South DaCola

Why were inmate tablets really shut off?

Besides the fact that some state contractor and the state are making money from the tablets, and quite a bit, some wonder the real reason they were turned off.

Noem said it was for ‘nefarious’ reasons. Can’t you just take away the tablets from the inmates that are abusing them? Do you really have to throw the baby out with the bathwater?

If you talk to some family members of inmates, they tell a different story. While I have no doubt that some of the inmates are abusing the usage, I think there was another reason they were shut off. Family members and other sources tell me that the inmates have been making email complaints to the DOC and the Governor’s office about conditions and some troubling CO’s. Of course, when a complaint is filed electronically, there is a record, because as I understand it, the inmates were smart enough to CC’ family or friends on the emails and complaints.

So I guess the best way to stop it is to take the complaint box off the wall.

I have only heard this from a handful of sources, so I don’t know how much of this is happening. But it also doesn’t seem to farfetched from a state and local government that prides itself on being militant closed government authoritarians.


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