South DaCola

UPDATE: City of Sioux Falls Aquatic Bond details

UPDATE: Let’s just say a ‘concerned citizen’ called me this morning about this project and he asked an interesting question, ‘If the city is purchasing the Wellness center, why didn’t that go thru a RFP process so other private facilities could make an offer if they wanted to?’ I never thought about it, but he is correct, if the city is buying this, where was the RFP? I also got word that AVERA had no clue this was going on.

Aquatics Bond | April 17, 2024

I have known about this for a few weeks and passed the info onto several journalists that ran into dead ends. Part of the rumor was the city was going to buy Oxbow wellness center, but it was confusing to us because they were currently remodeling. I didn’t find out until yesterday afternoon that it was actually the Tea-Ellis location.

Makes sense though, Sanford can use the purchase revenue to pay for the remodel of Oxbow.

I also knew the purchase price of $9 million and the ‘discount’ they were offering. The Oxbow facility was built in 1988, so we were confused about the big price tag.

And it ain’t a great deal. They are giving us a $6 million dollar discount (according to their appraisals) and we have to spend an additional $3 million to renovate on top of the purchase price.

This is a win-win for Sanford, not so much the citizens. I think they support it, but I also don’t think the administration has the pulse of the community. As a well known business person told me a few years ago about the mayor, he is ‘tone deaf.’

As I have said, the administration never learns.

Also a foot soldier who is a member at the Oxbow facility got this email from Sanford at 10:25 AM, 5 minutes before the announcement;

Tea-Ellis Announcement

Valued member,  

This morning at 10:30, the City of Sioux Falls will announce its proposed plan to purchase the Sanford Wellness Center – Tea-Ellis location.

Should the proposed purchase go through, the City will continue to operate the facility as an indoor health, wellness and recreational programming space. We will also maintain our current physical therapy presence at the Tea-Ellis location as it is today.

Furthermore, Sanford Health will continue to operate the Oxbow Wellness Center and continue to invest in medical and wellness services.

We are thrilled to be able to partner with the City of Sioux Falls in this way, as our common goal is to do what we can to provide opportunities and services to keep our communities healthy and thriving.

This proposal is in the very early stages; however, we wanted to make our members aware and allow them plenty of opportunities to ask questions and join the conversation about this potential transition.

Here are a few details we know now:

As more details are finalized, Sanford Health and the City of Sioux Falls will communicate updates as soon as possible.

You can tune in to the media briefing live through the City of Sioux Falls Facebook page or YouTube channel, or view the recording after the briefing on the City’s One Sioux Falls playlist

We’re very proud of the wellness community we’ve built at both Sanford Wellness Center locations. The decision to pursue this proposal was not made quickly or lightly. We do believe that continuing to focus our efforts toward more medically based health care services while maintaining a fitness option will be a great benefit to our patients and community members alike.

As always, thank you for choosing Sanford Wellness Center to be part of your health journey.

Be Well, 

Steve Young, president, Sanford Sports
Mike Davidson, general manger, Sanford Wellness Center


The ‘excuse’ the administration has been using to keep this quiet so long is that they didn’t want the Sanford employees getting upset over losing their jobs. Huh? That may still happen Poops.

They make up so much sh!t I’m starting to think the mayor is the one polluting the Big Poo and not CommieFields.

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