South DaCola

Deffenbaugh for more affordable housing

I was on the fence of who I was going to vote for. I did support Jordan in the general election, but after that I started to think he may not want the job. Obviously he is NOT the mayor’s candidate and will push an agenda that is more citizen and neighborhood driven. Those parts I like about him. But it is his background in housing with his family business the main reason I cast my vote for him. The housing crisis in this community will hit a critical level by the end of 2024 and we need someone on the council who understands urban planning and affordable housing.

While I like Thomason and do think he is his own person when it comes to what he wants to do on the council, and I believe if he does succeed in winning the seat he will accomplish some stuff. But selling himself as Pro-Business while taking checks from those folks doesn’t garner a lot of confidence that he would be a neighborhood builder, just more of the same, unsustainable tax rebates and TIFs.

I don’t want a city councilor who sits around and waits for city hall to make a move, I want a city councilor who is out in the community building relationships on the ground. That happens at a neighborhood park not at a Chamber mixer.

The choice is pretty easy, if you want Sioux Falls housing to get better and lift more people out of poverty, Deffenbaugh is your man.

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