By l3wis

16 thoughts on “In the doghouse”
  1. Perhaps next time, Cory will think twice about allowing her to put a leash on him and then have him walk like a dog.

  2. “Say, speaking of yo-yos, I used to have a yo-yo that I could walk like a dog”…. 🙂

  3. Man, isn’t Noem a lot of fun to have around? Because, we thought Janklow was fun, but man, Noem is like the gift that keeps on giving. #WheresCricket? #ComeToMama

  4. The Republican National Convention, July 15th thru the 18th: The dog days of summer.

    And on another note, I think Trump and Noem are the perfect team. One wants immunity, while the other is already shooting dogs. But will their supporters still support them, if they are found in the middle of 5th Avenue shooting a dog?

  5. God forbid that Noem ever becomes president, but if she did and caused a war, would it still be called wag the dog? Because, just how many times can you really kick a dead horse? #ProLifeAntiDog

  6. Do the math, Noem’s lax COVID policies caused about 1000 people to die in South Dakota due to COVID-19, who would have never died in a state like Minnesota with far stricter COVID policies; and given that, we are all shocked that she killed her dog?…. OH, and a goat, too?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “I guess that was one dog that wasn’t GOAT, huh?”…. 🙁 )

  7. So, when Noem was shooting her dog and goat, that was like contemporaneous to when she was ignoring the South Dakota court system, right?…. #GoFigure…..:

    Oh, I’m sorry, that was the wrong video. Let’s try this again:

    Oh, and in that first video here, was Dusty just imitating for fun how Ravnsborg would handle a pull-over?…. Else, where did he learn that?….:

  8. “…. when Noem was shooting her dog and goat…”

    What? What kind of fxcking kind of state is this? #StateBusiness #OfficialAct #Immunity

  9. I avoided this story just like the Texas grille story, but decided to read about it last night. The name ‘Cricket’ bugged me a bit. My uncle used to breed Boxers and his main female was ‘Cricket’. One of my first cousins is married to a Cricket and the owner of a once popular bar in town (now closed) name is Cricket. Don’t shoot the Crickets. You can spray for them though.

  10. @VSG

    Move to Minnesota commie

    Reps and dems ruined the country quit voting for them

  11. Joe,

    I’ll never move. I’m a part of the resistance!

    “Cricket”: It’s a game, it’s a phone service, and it can be a pet. Buddy Holly had the ‘Crickets’, but then the music died just like Cricket.

  12. Noem has demonstrated repeatedly she is a narcissistic sociopath. If she is vice president or president and Project 2025 is implemented heads will be rolling and the camps will be full. Full Fascism!

  13. I shot and killed a dog when I was a teen. ‘Tony’ had distemper so bad he followed the yard fence frothing at the mouth like a zombie trying to walk through me when I tried to stop him. He and I were both suffering and it was the right thing to do. It’s not easy to take a life. Some dogs can’t be trained so find them another home where there’s love. Love a politician can’t feel.

  14. Noem: This dog don’t hunt … Click, Click, Bang
    Citizens: Your Gen Z daughter knows nothing about Real Estate Appraisals
    Trump: She’s hot
    SD Airplane: Give me a break
    National Guard: I won’t kill Mexicans
    Republicans: Don’t follow us. Don’t you have a state

  15. Noem’s next book will be a children’s book about a disobedient dog. It’s title will be: ‘Shxtty Shxtty Bang Bang’….

    Maybe Noem should open up a theme park consisting of a petting zoo found in a gravel pit.

    Noem once claimed: ‘Not My First Rodeo’, but what I want to know is how many dogs and goats has she had?

    Truman once said that if you want a friend in politics, then get a dog. I guess Noem has no true friends.

    I heard the Secret Service wants Noem to be president because then they will be allowed to shoot a disobedient presidential dog.

    They say a dog is man’s best friend, but for Noem it must be Botox.

    Hollywood is thinking about making a movie about the life and times of Krisiti Noem. It’s title will be: ‘Dog Gone’…. No wait a minute, that title is already taken. I guess the title will have to be: ‘Gravel Pit Diaries’, ‘Nighttime for Crickets’ or ‘Where’s Rover?’

    Pundits have put Noem in the doghouse, but at least that’s better than a gravel pit.

    In South Dakota, a governor has killed a motorcyclist, an AG has killed a pedestrian, and now we have a governor who has willingly killed a dog and a goat.
    I’m not sure where this is all really going, but if we keep this up then our state motto will need to be changed to something like: ‘Great Mutilations, Great Bullseyes’.

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