South DaCola

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Councilor Starr pours cold water on Lincoln County Commission

UPDATE: So this is becoming more interesting then I thought. I guess the LCC didn’t provide our city clerk with the agenda because Commissioner Joel Arends put the item on the agenda and they were NOT sure of what he was going to say so they decided to hide it from the city council. This WAS NOT the fault of our city clerk. He was simply NOT informed. I guess all the local governments around Sioux Falls like to practice the illegal posting of agendas.

So what’s Arend’s beef? The joint jurisdiction between the city of Sioux Falls and Harrisburg. The commission is saying they have a majority ready to change those boundaries if the city doesn’t play nice about some sewer lines and development.

The issue is that the taxpayers of Sioux Falls have ALREADY invested in the area with infrastructure so why would we turn that over to Harrisburg?

This quiet fight hasn’t really been on the media’s radar, but I’m sure if Harrisburg hosted a food truck Friday on the disputed land, the media would be there.


If you watch the joint meeting below, you will notice that at the end the LCC decided to present an idea about having quarterly planning meetings with the commission, which I think is a good idea, problem is, they didn’t notice the city council (or did they?) So after they all went on and on about how we need this, councilor Starr points out that the city council cannot take action in the meeting because they were NOT noticed properly.

Once again, another meeting not noticed properly. A rep from Lincoln County said they did send the notice to the city before the meeting . . .

WTH is going on? The LCC properly noticed it.

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