So the mayor is going to give his two cents on why we have so much infrastructure growth in Sioux Falls. Everyone knows the reason. It’s not because we have some secret sauce in Sioux Falls. We have so much growth because we continue to pour gasoline on a fire in the form of TIFs and tax rebates. Enough!

We could reign in a lot of this and focus on building density and cleaning up neighborhoods, and stop handing out tax breaks to the big boys.

Maybe he will bring his dunk tank;

I have been telling peeps, no matter who you vote today, you will get a good candidate. I think both have impressed me over the last couple of months. While I did vote for Jordan, twice, I will say, no matter who wins tonight, we will get a solid public servant. While Jordan’s vision aligns more with mine, Richard has some great ideas and would be an asset to the council. I think for once we finally have a council race worth paying attention to.

And not to sound like the mayor, but get out and vote, or he’ll dunk you!

I think if they set up dunk tanks at all the polls more people would show up! I hope Poops can find time to vote in between the dunking, jumping jacks and proselytizing from his driver’s seat!

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Steroids? More like Tifilicious”
  1. “Say, do any of you guys remember when Sioux Falls had a Dunkin Donuts?”
    #SundayMorningDonuts #BakersDozen

  2. “Dunkin Donuts”? Well, we used to have a Hooters, too, but nothing holds up forever. And does anyone remember Church’s Chicken or Skakey’s Pizza? #IStillMissFuddruckers #HeapBigBeef #Barn’rds #Bimbos #BonanzaSteakhouse

  3. You think BOTH candidates will be great councilors??? Have you been hit on the head? There’s no reality where Richard is anything other than a quiet seat filler for PTH to boss around. I’ve never met him, so he might be a nice guy — but c’mon dude. He’s in the mayor’s pocket.

  4. Give him a call. He has told me several times he is NOT the mayor’s puppet. I guess we will have to see who wins tonight. But if Richard wins, it won’t be the end of the world.

  5. i thought poops was one of those dutch reformed. i don’t know how they fit with the pro-lgbt methodists. although the guy in the dunk tank has one of those pro police state flag shirts on.

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