You can now go vote at the Minnehaha County Administration office Downtown Sioux Falls at 6th and Minnesota Avenue.

Your choices are Mr. Jordan Deffenbaugh and Richard Thomason.

Mr. Lalley did some fine long form interviews with these fashionable folks.

I vote early, but have not made up my mind yet. I may leave it blank.

Try to win me over to your candidate in the comments.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “There is a runoff”
  1. Both are quite bad options in the grand scheme of things.

    The interview in the river with deffenbaugh did not help. #awk

    Thomason will make a good clean cut image for the city and has connections to money. That’s what most voters will like.

    The end.

  2. Democrats got into trouble in 2020 just because one city council member in Minneapolis hinted that they wanted to “Defund the Police”. Yet, Thomason can be endorsed by a former city council candidate who claimed “Fxck the Police!” without any political retribution. What gives here?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “It’s utterly amazing what a sleeveless down vest can do for a guy at times, I tell you”…… :-/ )

  3. Jordan is more relatable. He is a working class man of the people and for the people. He is very humble in his devotion to listen and learning from people from every background and belief set. He is forward thinking but in a pragmatic, practical and measure way. He is sincere; and that what I respect most about him

  4. Deffenbaugh has been doing the work. There hasn’t been any other candidate that’s as involved in our community in a long time. He feeds people and gives a shit about safer streets – that wins my vote.

    Thomason spoke on the House floor twice during the two years he was in Pierre. Tells me everything I need to know about what kind of a voice he’d be on the Council.

  5. Thomason has the more polished look and could more easily be molded into the rubber stamper which this Mayor desires, unless he has already promised him to fill that category when elected. It’s amazing what the city has to tolerate with this administration.

  6. I voted early today, Jordan and Joe. There was a line! The poll worker must have thought I would get confused so after I completed my city ballot she then gave me my primary. As if I would confuse the two races? Dean Phillips for city council? Hell yeahs!

  7. Gotta watch out for those crazy usuals that come to city council meetings. Bunch of domestic abusers the way it sounds, i.e. zokaites


    Also our council is bad and so are the usuals that attend and speak at public input but I’d say Fargo is much worse so at least there is that

  8. Be careful of what you accuse David of. He deserves his day in court. Trust me, if he is found guilty, we are done, but you have to let him have him have a fair trial. I do not condone domestic violence, in fact, as a victim of this, I abhor it and if he is guilty, he should receive just punishment and rehab. I just find it ironic that the media who won’t give this man two-sh!ts are quick to run his name amuck. Sure, if he is found guilty, but let him plead his case. And if it is total BS, roast him. Until then, be fair.

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