South DaCola

UPDATE: This is why council candidates need to be fully vetted

UPDATE: It may be this candidate’s employer that got their hands slapped for mistakes and NOT the employee themself. Either or, they were terminated, but NOT for corruption or fraud. It still wasn’t good though 🙁

But I have heard so many different versions to the story it’s like trying to figure out which district Selberg is living in.


Over the past couple of months I have been watching the city council races. One candidate seems to bug a lot of people and I have had dozens of people tell me this person was fired from their last job, but nobody would tell me why.

I always had the same answer, “Lots of people get fired for lots of reasons. I’ve been fired before, sometimes I screwed up, sometimes management sucked, etc. This is NO reason to disqualify someone to run for city council.”

So I pretty much put it to bed. If I don’t know why this person was terminated, and NO ONE wants to tell me, there is not much else to say.

Until today.

A person tells me the same thing I have already heard a dozen times, they were fired. So I asked, like I normally do, WHY? They spilled.

Now, this candidate has never told anyone they were terminated or why, but they made this announcement on FB last year about starting a NEW job in the same field;

Usually when you leave a job and you have a cell phone connected to that, you would probably lose your work phone, but if you were fired and it was for very bad stuff, they would certainly take your phone.

I have fed this enlightenment to some journalists in town that are working the details. But I will say, the termination was NOT because of a disagreement or policy dispute, the best way I can describe it without dipping to much into finer details was it was because of corruption and likely is still being investigated.

Hopefully we will see something in the Sioux Falls MSM in the coming days, hopefully before the election, because this person is not only unqualified to serve, if they were alledgedley fired for these reasons, they may have a ‘record’ that doesn’t allow them to serve. (I’m not talking about Bobbie either 🙁

The smart thing to do would be to drop out before the election.

*As for all the council candidates wondering if it is them, trust me, this person knows who I am talking about, and none of the other candidates could hold a candle to these kind of shenanigans.

Also, it’s NOT Jordan Deffenbaugh, he’s only guilty of rocking a cool haircut 🙂

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