Remember when they bought this parking lot, they said they would have some workforce housing available;

The One2 is scheduled to open in early 2025 and will start pre-leasing later this year. Apartments will range between $1,300 and $2,500 a month.

In order for a single person to rent a $1,300 a month apartment they would need to make $56K per year or $27 dollars an hour.

Many employers are not even getting close to this wage in Sioux Falls. So once again a developer tells the city council one thing when they want to get their grubby hands on some prime DT property and do something different in the end.

On top of that, what is with all these cheap finishes on the new dwellings DTSF? Nothing fits in with the historical buildings, they are just gigantic concrete boxes, no creativity whatsoever.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Workforce housing?”
  1. “…Nothing fits in with the historical buildings, they are just gigantic concrete boxes, no creativity whatsoever….”

    This is what Frank Lloyd Wright called the work of the “Glass Box Boys”. My favorite ones are the ones that stare down at the Falls. Wright believed that man should be one with nature, and that form and function are one. But the glass boxes above our famed cascade are too ominous, too close, and too unnatural.

    Wright’s Fallingwater is a classic example of how man should approach a falls and or river.

    Now, I’m not suggesting that they should have built on top of the Falls like Wright did with Fallingwater, but Wright could do that with Fallingwater, because it was an exclusive reality. Whereas, with our Falls, its prominence should be noted, respected, and given its own identity and presence with man’s architecture in the backdrop where it could have a more natural and complementing statement:

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, when are we going to get that 19 story skyscraper we were promised with a Trader Joe’s and a new facade for Wells Fargo?”… #StillWaiting )

  2. I visited his original house, super cool, my friend Ryan got yelled at for leaning against the wall

  3. Our wonderful developers would rather have you leaning almost over the street, like those awful dwellings on 14th and 2nd.

  4. Why people keep moving here bewilders me, our roads are the worst and our houses cost too much and our local government is bad and we have bland things and we have no city tagline or claim to fame or things to be proud of

  5. L3wis,

    Have you been to Taliesin in Wisconsin near Spring Green? I took the 3-hour tour there once. Wright was definitely a brilliant, but eccentric mind. His students there not only had to study architecture but also helped to manage and care for his cattle and crops that he had there. He also brought speakers out into the fields so his workers/students could hear classical music as they labored. AND, he wouldn’t allow Red Angus cattle on his farm, because their color looked like rust on the fields. 😉

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