This is not the picture you probably see in the ads for condos down by the district on the river.

Nothing more glimmering and beautiful then the stink rolling off this gem downtown.

It amazes me that you could sell a $1 million condo next to this, and the train sirens.

The packing plant is going nowhere and the trains are likely going nowhere.

They do plan to build some quiet zones on 6th street and 8th street, but to be effective, the entire DTSF area needs to be a quiet zone. You will still hear the train whistles from the switching yards and from Cliff and 14th street. In order for the quiet zones to work, it would have to encompass the entire downtown area. Likely not going to happen because of pushback from the Fed DOT and railroads and the cost.

As for the packing plant, that is likely not going anywhere and the smell is getting worse. I have heard rumors that several downtown dwellers have left renting down by Phillips to the Falls due to the smell. Can you imagine investing that much money only to smell burning flesh, urine and manure almost anytime you open your patio door?

It cracks me up to read about all these ‘luxurious’ options in these developments, but every time you walk out the door you smell death and poop.

Downtown has great developmental potential, but not until you get rid of the trains and the stink will it be worthwhile . . . and what about all the places quietly closing downtown? Something developers don’t like to talk about.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Would you buy a million dollar condo next to a manure factory and several active rail lines?”
  1. The wealthy should not be bothered by all of this. They’re merely the smells and sounds of capitalism.

    AND, talk about a communist smell with a capitalistic flavor.

    Also, ‘The Jungle’ warned us about all of this many years ago. Many died in Vietnam to fight the communists. Today, however, we finally honor the Vietnam vet with the smells of Smithfield, the whistle of a homecoming train, and a communist ham for everyone. Some would call this progress, while others can truly sense the stench.

    The French, however, left behind the Vietcong like a condo owner leaving the Falls. Perhaps, we should follow suit and allow someone else to commit before pulling out. They say if the shoe fits you should wear it, but what about a jar of pigs feet? Some enjoy it, while others are agasted. I wonder if anyone enjoys the smell along with some pigs feet? If so, I would be suspicious like I am about the communist under my bed.

  2. Anything Tupy, Paulsen, or Kirby build, the millionaires will flock to, Sioux falls elite

  3. Most of us enjoy the trains, they were here first, and they shall stay. I laugh at all the whiners who move into downtown area, only to complain about the trains. You are the problem, move to a different location. Stop the complaining now.

  4. Why? No grocery store. No immediate access out of town in any direction. Slums to the east and north. Cherapa castles. Hotels. Schools, what schools. Crime, bars, addicts, but no casinos. Sioux River toxicity. Railroads and noise but this is minor.

    Must be Sioux Falls dignitaries and political types. Common sense and quality of life not important for them. Blow nearly a million then later sell to drug dealers for half. These are people who make money fraudulently and from TIF’s.

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