UPDATE: Item #89 on next Tuesday’s city council meeting they will be approving the hire of Thea Rave the daughter of former legislator Tim Rave. And what are her qualifications? They don’t even provide a BIO of her in the agenda.

I will hold off on her name until the council announces the hire, because I’m not sure if they are aware, but it was NO surprise to me that they hired someone who is politically connected. I guess she was hired to take on the roll of executive assistant to the city council. Let’s just say her father was a former Republican Legislator and runs an organization right now, ironically a job he got being politically connected.

This doesn’t surprise me, they weren’t going to promote from within, and I had no doubt they would hire someone that is politically connected.

There was NO WAY they were going to allow an outsider to have this job. Now maybe she will stay at her desk working most of the day instead of running a pet store.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “UPDATE: Did the city council hire the Daughter of a Politically Connected individual?”
  1. Another appointee .. whats her wage gonna be 300k? Crooked joke of a town sufu

  2. What’s her position on file cabinets and liquor? If I agree with her on that one, then a resume doesn’t matter to me. #OfficeChristmasParty #TheUltimateLiquorCabinet #SpeakEasyDoor

  3. A city and state republican oligarchy must include paternalism. Doesnโ€™t take qualifications. Just blood line and criminal syndication.

  4. “Oh, I forgot to mention”…. “Dua, tonight, SNL!”…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Yes of course it’s a crooked town . Unqualified and probably huge wage for doing nothing like the comms director

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