South DaCola

Big Bad Bully

This didn’t come out during the general election or the runoff, and Jordan Deffenbaugh has all the details, I just heard the second hand version, but the mayor was ‘trying’ to bully him, but it really didn’t work, and he is aware that Jordan knows about it.

So I am not sure if these incidents took place BEFORE Jordan announced he was running or AFTER, but apparently when Jordan was organizing an event for Whittier Neighborhood last Fall he sent out a group email to several non-profits, volunteer orgs, city employees and the mayor.

Well, the mayor thought it wise to do a ‘reply all’ from his mayoral address that taxpayers pay for. He removed Jordan from the email and began to tell these fine folks (several of them are friends of Jordan and took screenshots and metadata on the emails) that Jordan was ‘no good’.

Like I said, I hope Jordan, releases the details of the email, and more importantly he NEEDS to file an ethics complaint against the mayor. He should have done it the second he saw the emails, but it is never to late.

If the mayor really did this using official correspondence while bullying a candidate for office and funding his opponent, it is some really nasty stuff, but it is what Poops has been doing since he ran ClickRain, destroy your opponent, especially if they are not a ring kissing boot licking Republican.

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