South DaCola

Breaking the Law!

One of my friends said to me jokingly a few years back,

“Who do you think the biggest lawbreaker is in Sioux Falls?”

He says,

“The City of Sioux Falls.”

I have watched over the last 5 years or so as several public inputers have expressed their utter dismay in the way the city doesn’t follow it’s own rules, or Federal guidelines for that matter. That is why the city handed out almost 5,000 sidewalk violations in a single season because they were getting their asses sued for ADA violations.

So fast forward to today. First, we pay DOUBLE for a bridge that didn’t need to be replaced immediately, then we decide we are going to rebuild all the rec paths around it. I thought ‘FINALLY’ they will fix this stupid incline that in NO WAY is ADA compliant.

So what does the city do, build the exact same ramp that is NOT ADA compliant. It is hard to see from the pics below, but this mofo is steep. They should have extended it to the NORTH to drag out the incline.

Isn’t progress great! $50 million in tax rebates for parking ramps to million dollar condos and $10 million over budget for a bridge that has non-compliant ped ramps.

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