A friend shared this postcard with me, a Republican running in District 13

I don’t know Mr. Hughes and have asked other legislators who he was, and they have no clue.

The material is littered with lies. Biden is not in control of hiring police officers for the city of Sioux Falls. And as I understand it, we are short officers, because our police chief has been cleaning house, and I APPLAUD him on it. I would much rather our city was short officers instead of having BAD officers.

Most illicit drugs are coming across our border in truck freight across LEGAL border crossings in California. In other words, starving, dirt poor migrants crossing the border in Texas are NOT transporting the drugs. DUH! Sophisticated drug dealers figured out a long time ago, this is how you transport drugs in our country.

It often amazes me when candidates spout their utter BS with no evidence to back it up. Has Biden F’d up on our border? YES! There needs to be a better system in place, but that is the job of CONGRESS, which last I checked was ran by the same party this yahoo belongs to.

5 Thoughts on “Comical Campaign Material

  1. timothy sorenson on May 17, 2024 at 9:42 am said:

    Your comments are not very accurate.

    The ad does not say Biden hires law enforcement.

    Your research on illegal drugs is partially right,
    but with a more controlled border we would have the
    personnel to catch those drug runners and find out the
    True scope of drug running.

    You are just showing your complete blindness to what issues many
    People have, and how your priorities are a far cry from them.

    So you attack. District 13 will not vote in a Democrat, so you are happy
    To pick a target and say silly things.

  2. l3wis on May 17, 2024 at 2:49 pm said:

    C’mon, typical trumper right wing BS, insinuating that Biden is responsible for all the crime in our community, it’s there in black and white.

    I’m an indy, have been since 911.

    “To pick a target and say silly things.”

    Um, I think Mr. Hughes covered that in his postcard.

  3. Very Stable Genius on May 17, 2024 at 3:29 pm said:

    Actually, most illegal drugs are smuggled into the US via legal border entrances:


    Also, District 13 has the potential to be competitive for both parties, but it favors the GOP, due to gerrymandering, where it includes a few Taupeville precincts in the mix to assure GOP victories in the fall.

    Taupeville should have two of its own legislative districts instead of the status quo, which allows it to influence three other legislative districts which are definitely city core/purple districts absent the Taupeville influence.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, when again is the intervention for Marjorie Taylor Greene?”….. “I keep forgetting the date”….. #HowTrumpRuinedAmerica )


  4. rufusx on May 20, 2024 at 8:11 am said:

    Biden has not F’d” up the border. CONGRESS has refused to pass immigration re3form and border control FUNDING for decades – several decades. if there mis any familiar name associated with a F’d up border/immigration policy it would be US Senator #2 – John Thune.

  5. rufusx on May 20, 2024 at 8:16 am said:

    Mr. sorenson – FWIW – MILLIONS of people cross the Southern border – both ways – EVERY DAY. Mexico is the US #1 economic trading partner. MOST “illegal” residents of the US initially entered LEGALLY via airplanes. there is so much BS out in the air about immigration and border control it is almost impossible to get anyone to comprehend the real issues. And that is a DELIBERATE TACTIC of the right wingers because they NEED confusion around the issue to use as a tool to stay in office.

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