Who says we need a new convention center to bring in the good stuff!

Be sure to watch the ENTIRE video, they go into the Confidence Convention towards the end. I also find it funny for a couple of reasons, 1) All the middle age men in Sioux Falls taking ‘T’ treatments. I tell guys not to do it, unless you want to be angry and moody all the time. 2) I wondered how they came up with the joke, I assumed they were googling Noem and they came across some articles about Sioux Falls and the Riverline District and how we need better conventions.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Confidence Con coming to Sioux Falls?”
  1. There’s Fargo, and then there’s Sioux Falls. Fargo’s hit was quick. Ours will be a slow burn further perpetuated by the demise of Cricket…. Personally, I blame it all on Geoff Peterson:


    Perhaps, they heard about the Bunker Ramp, too. Because, first, that project had too much confidence, then it became just a con job.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Let’s say you write a book and in that book, you claim you once met Kim Jong-un, now would that be an example of confidence, just a con, or rather just total stupidity?”….. )

  2. Just another example of why I don’t bother with SNL these days.

    How long until KELO does a “KELO connection to SNL” story on this one sentence tie-in?

  3. “Oh, and say, what about those three buses from Fargo?”…. “They might have had some influence as well”….. 🙂

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