For historical purposes, the ‘Loser Lot’ was the parking lot at Carnegie Hall when the downtown ‘loop’ was open. It was the skank hangout. Heavy Skanks!

What I have noticed over the last couple of years is that the teens like to hang out in the Bunker Ramp. I won’t say the activities that I have seen, but let’s just say, we were all teenagers at one point in our lives and for some reason the air smells like MJ.

I am sure the SFPD is aware that this place has turned into Loser Lot II, but maybe they are not?

This has been going on since the place opened.

So I guess if you are looking for a ‘hookup’ the 4th floor is the place to go.

As Eddie Spaghetti from the Supersuckers said, “A friend with weed is a friend indeed, I’m a friend, a friend in need.”

I guess party central is the Bunker Ramp. Maybe we should do all age shows there? That way it is easier for the teens to do illicit drugs.

I’m kidding. Kinda.

One Thought on “Has the Bunker Ramp turned into Loser lot?

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on May 20, 2024 at 10:49 pm said:

    “Someday” has arrived! With the help of MJ, it’s about all of the idealistic possibilities that a mellow mind can consume or explore. Who needs 13 floors if you have MJ? Check-out that mural and is that corn hole below? Cool! Bumper boats, too? MJ and a ramp, it’s time to fly. Concrete possibilities: Talk about a good hit for the head.

    I miss the loop, though. Some of the loopers hang-out at the Western Mall parking lot, too. There’s no ramp there, but sometimes there’s still the aroma of a Tea Storm Chasers’ Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser. But what do they call it when you have the munchies without MJ? Is it the same? Is it right? Is it better? Is it worse? Well, if you think you have lost the holes to the donuts, then you are smelling more than donuts, and you also know the best mellow answers to the questions asked.

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