UPDATE: Here is a great article about the basis of the ‘Blank Slate’ candidate from the NYT.

So after spending thousands and thousands of dollars getting people elected in Sioux Falls, Matt Paulson decided to run a victory lap (even though Thomason didn’t win by much, and if the campaign was longer, Jordan would have won).

He said this about Jordan on a blog comment (not here):

Jordan probably had the best “grass roots” campaign in Sioux Falls city council history, and he probably would have won if he were a true “blank slate” candidate and not someone with a track record of creating controversy.

You mean like these blank slates you funded?

Councilor Sarah Cole

Mayor Paul TenHaken

Councilor David Barranco

CounTcilor Alex Jensen

Councilor Marshall Selberg (not sure Paulson funded Selberg in his first election)

What have they done besides allowing candy at parades, getting rid of a bowling license and dismantling the internal audit department. Or better yet transforming city government into a closed state of business. Or not living in your district for 2 years ILLEGALLY!

Yeah, not a fan of the political movement towards ‘blank slate’ candidates. Paulson needs these slates, or as I know them, stampers to get what he wants.

He also funds these candidates to the high hilt, this is really the reason they have been winning, a steady flow of money.

I like candidates with experience, and I think both Richard and Jordan have experience and would be ready on day one instead of wandering around the basement of Carnegie reading a copy of Robert’s Rules for Dummies.

As for Paul and his postcard about voting I found it to be ironic. The guy wanted people to get out the vote for his hand picked puppets but throws cold water on letting people have a legal bond election on the aquatics bonds. If that would have been on the ballot in the General, voter turnout would have been huge. Bond elections are emotional for people. Not sure why, but they are.

Right now we have a bunch of business people running the city behind the scenes and Poops goes along with it while not allowing the council to do ANYTHING!

I did have a great convo with Richard last night and he does have some original things he wants to bring forward (and some of them are AWESOME and don’t cost taxpayers a dime). So I am going to keep an open mind about Richard. Now if he can get Mr. Lime Green Lambo to shut his trap, that would be great.

I think the first order of business for the new council would be to ban Paulson from making any more political contributions . . . I know, I know, a violation of his 1st Amendment Rights, but since he doesn’t understand that Amendment, maybe it will apply?

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “UPDATE: Kingmaker Paulson; Mr. Vanilla Ice Cream”
  1. Like you Lewis I will have an open mind on this new guy for at least a week. I also know how he won this seat. Money from all the wrong places. I would love to be optimistic, but history tells me this guy is going to be like all the rest. RUBBER STAMP.

  2. “Once again a useless sleeveless down vest wins again!”…. “Although, lately I couldn’t help but notice he was sporting a Ted Cruz beard and wearing a thicker shirt unbuttoned over a t-shirt like it was ’89 and he was getting ready to go to a
    B-52s concert”…. 🙂

  3. One of Paulsens watches costs more than any house that could be deemed affordable housing. Sorry bro can’t relate

  4. Don’t forget the new councilor who ran unopposed in the NW district. Paulson funded and co-chaired her “campaign,” too. More payback to come, I’m sure.

  5. Democracy in motion only. It’s the dance of expression in the absence of comment. Like an Eastern Bloc skater, one cannot talk aloud, but they can make some creative moves, which hopefully convey a message, but if not, they illustrate the dance of the few, the few who allowed them to dance:


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