While the Levitt finally released their 2023 annual report (which we will get to later) they announced their performance series for the summer today. Tons of great acts, and I still have to do a full dive, but I was exited to hear Supaman is coming. He is absolutely incredible and fascinating. I had a chance to see him at the Black Hills Unity Concert in 2015 and can’t wait to see him perform again. He wears traditional dance garb when he raps.

As for the Annual Report, no surprises, the Levitt has tons of great sponsors and overall community support. But there was interesting tidbit in the report. 79% of revenue comes from contributions (which I always assumed was pretty high) and only 10% is ‘earned’. Which means the claims made by the Alcohol beverage provider is total boloney saying once if he couldn’t contribute a portion of his sales the Levitt would not survive. It was laughable.

NOW, they may put his sales in the contributor bracket, but I don’t see that as possible;

Contributed revenue refers to gifts made freely without receiving any goods or services in exchange. Donations, grants, and noncash donations are examples of contributed revenue. Earned revenue are funds where the person providing money will receive a good or service of equal or greater value in exchange.

I have said charge a $5 dollar cooler fee and only allow canned beer and wine and your contributions would be much higher and peeps would be much happier. The council could pass an ordinance overnight that allows people to bring their own beverages at Levitt events on the caveat that they have to pay a cooler fee.

Oh and one more thing while we are trying to make the Levitt experience better, BAN PETS!!!!!

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Levitt Unveils 2024 Season & 2023 Annual Report”
  1. “What if we passed an ordinance that allowed organizations and candidates to throw free full beer cans around at the Levitt like candy at a parade?”….

  2. They made it grossly too small. That’s the Sioux falls way, build small!

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