Trump has been sued over 4,000 times starting in the 1970’s with housing discrimination. He is a liar, a sexual assaulter and a racist. He is a crook and has always been one. It is unfortunate it took 12 regular citizens to finally convict him because the elected leaders in our country don’t have the spine to do it. I feel for these people, because many of them will probably have to move because of threats, etc.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Once a crook, always a crook”
  1. Trump is found guilty, but Cricket’s killer is still at-large.

  2. Zandbroz is selling RIP CRICKET candles and pins now, just came in yesterday, should have took a pic, really funny.

  3. I need to get a “Where’s Cricket?” bumper sticker from Dakotans for Health. 😉

  4. “Nominated three times?”….. “Yeah, but that’s because Republicans are a bunch of dumbasses, and if they have even an ounce of brain, they are nothing but a bunch of butt-kissing corporatists who are nothing but yes men to those above them”….
    #WhatAboutTheGoat? #WormsInTheirBrains

  5. “And another thing, I don’t buy any of this bullshxt about Trump being the next Cleveland”….. “Yeah, both Cleveland and Trump are/were New Yorkers, both are/were draft dodgers, both were nominated by their party three times in a row for president, and Trump might have a daughter/wife, while Cleveland actually married his niece, but Cleveland was never found guilty of a felony back in 1892″…. ( …”Yikes!… “I sure hope I’m right about this final analysis”…. 🙁 )

  6. Mexico is a government disaster we could learn from. 41 political candidates have been assassinated. Cities close the polls because to many are killed trying to vote. Mexico runs well by itself and with a few cartels. If we eliminated public offices and worked Wild West style, wouldn’t the situation be better than the autocracy we’ve become.

  7. Noem would like to replace the cartels for the Wild West.

  8. Indian Reservations hardly come under Noem authority. To prevent a power struggle, why not a Republican Reservation centered upon Pierre? Confining Noem restricts state airplane travel away from Trump Rallys and dental commercials. Confinement limits prevents SD from seceding with TX and going to war with Mexico. Obsolete SD lottery machines could be junked there.

  9. Apparently, a US President can hold office while in prison. We are Mexico when the Republican cartel gets control of everything.

  10. Noem already has her own reservation. It’s called the Castlewood “Ranch”.

  11. Good point! Trump: America’s Chapo. Trump is finally getting his wall…. and around him.

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