So after our governor denies an affair with a total jerk, sends National guard and her dental care to Texas, abuses the state airplane and state employees and decides to go on a shooting spree of farm creatures the South Dakota Democratic Party decided someone, heck anyone needs to be taken to the woodshed;

“At a time when Gov. Noem once again lacks a chief of staff, action must be made to hold individuals accountable for what can only be described as an utter failure in doing the basics of a public relations job,” Merrill and Meyers wrote in the joint statement. “Fury should not have allowed the publication of the Governor’s recent book without proper fact-checking and review.”

HUH? While I will agree Ian is a waste of taxdollars and mostly ‘space’ in general, why aren’t you asking for the head of the one responsible: OUR GOVERNOR! The Dems along with the help of some Republicans should impeach the governor based on several allegations. While I would agree Ian needs to go, that is Kristi’s decision. The real knucklehead that needs to go is the goat killer in the corner office. When are the Dems going to figure it out? Go for the jugular. If this would have happened in a Blue or Purple state, she would already be gone.

I guess the best part is her political career is over. Everyone knows Trump needs a loyalist and a Southerner as his VP running mate. Why on earth would he pick someone from the reddest state in the Midwest? What would be the benefit?

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “SDDP misses the mark once again”
  1. Have seen all the noem gaffes on her book tour.Two things stand out. 30 years as world traveling politician setting world leaders straight. She has been a politician for 17 years. She is also stating her critics have been hounding her for many years about Cricket and she was only trying to set the record straight. Maybe I missed something along the way, but I had never heard of Cricket being shot in the face until last week.

  2. “… ‘taken to the woodshed’?” “Well, at least it ain’t the gravel pit”…. 🙁

  3. When I first saw this move by the SDDP, I was somewhat shocked; but happy. Too often I think our local Democrats miss opportunities to criticize the GOP in this state and this move was a step in the right direction. Although, it should have been done sooner than the 8th inning of this story, in my estimation.

    But, you may be right that they should be calling for Noem’s resignation and not her communication director’s, but this move by the SDDP was a safer bet; because this communications director could become the scape goat (No pun intended.) for this story at least at the state level. Calling for Noem’s resignation or impeachment, however, is not realistic, I don’t think. Although, it’s fun to think about, isn’t it?

    Noem’s not going to resign and I think she’s still going to be Trump VP pick, and the state Republicans are not going to impeach her, and for what? Killing a dog and goat out of statute? In fact, I think her braggadocious actions were awful, but more common than we think in South Dakota, especially by those in rural settings. Plus, wasn’t it Trump who said he wouldn’t lose any supporters if he shot someone on 5th Avenue? So, this Noem story about her dog and goat I think fits perfectly into the Trump political persona and narrative.

    Now, the Kim Jong-Un story is obviously a total fabrication, but so much of the Trump Era is as well. So, it’s really not anything new as well, which is all the more the reason Noem is perfect for Trump. I also expect Trump and Noem to use all of this fanfare as a way to try to beat up on the press in the fall.

    Personally, I hope Trump does pick Noem. Trump isn’t going to win. It will be closer than it should be (in the Electoral College), but having Noem on the ticket will be very entertaining. It will be like Palin on steroids. Now, it will be embarrassing for South Dakota, however, to have her on the ticket, but that’s not impeachable, and it won’t be the first time a Republican from South Dakota has embarrassed us. Keep in mind, this is a state where a prior governor/congressman killed a motorcyclist, an AG killed a pedestrian, and now we have a sitting governor who admits to shooting a dog and a goat; and meeting Kim Jong-Un. If you ask me, this recent negative publicity that Noem has received is just a continuation of the tragedy of a single-party state like South Dakota.

    But back to the SDDP, I guess the one real criticism of the SDDP over its calling for the resignation of the Governor’s communication direct is that the SDDP thought the CD should have read the Governor’s book before its release, but how is that “state business”? If as South Dakotans, and especially as Democrats in this state, we don’t want our governor using a state plane for whatever, then why should we tolerate having a state employee like the CD proofreading the Governor’s most recent book?

    And, if it ain’t Noem, who will be Trump’s pick? Well, I have a darkhorse candidate, who wasn’t even on my radar a few months ago, but I think he would be perfect for Trump as well, and that’s North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. He’s a middle-aged white guy, who like Pence, appears to be an apologist (Pence isn’t anymore) for Trump, is unassuming and boring like Pence, and wouldn’t offer complications for Trump like a Trump pick involving a male or female candidate of color would do. Keep in mind, too, that Trump’s camp is already disillusioned, so Trump can’t afford to disillusion them anymore with a black or Hispanic running mate.

    Oh, and one more thing, why are we really shocked that Noem shot her dog and goat? Hell, there are 1000 South Dakotans who are now dead in South Dakota because of Noem’s COVID policies, that would still be alive if they had lived in a more restrictive state like our neighboring Minnesota. Dogs and goats aren’t the only things she kills.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “If I was Noem’s communications director, I would send out a press release claiming she was on a plane with Dennis Rodman… that might help the Kim Jong-Un story”…. )

  4. Noem on a plane with Dennis Rodman.
    Plastic surgery meets body art and adornments.
    Quite the imagery.

  5. ‘Yellowstone’ has its Train Station. South Dakota is a Gravel Pit.
    Noem has gone the way of Giuliani. Everyone around Trump gets wasted. You’ve got to be a young beauty queen or experienced porn star. Noem is neither but she did try out for both.

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