South DaCola

SDDP misses the mark once again

So after our governor denies an affair with a total jerk, sends National guard and her dental care to Texas, abuses the state airplane and state employees and decides to go on a shooting spree of farm creatures the South Dakota Democratic Party decided someone, heck anyone needs to be taken to the woodshed;

“At a time when Gov. Noem once again lacks a chief of staff, action must be made to hold individuals accountable for what can only be described as an utter failure in doing the basics of a public relations job,” Merrill and Meyers wrote in the joint statement. “Fury should not have allowed the publication of the Governor’s recent book without proper fact-checking and review.”

HUH? While I will agree Ian is a waste of taxdollars and mostly ‘space’ in general, why aren’t you asking for the head of the one responsible: OUR GOVERNOR! The Dems along with the help of some Republicans should impeach the governor based on several allegations. While I would agree Ian needs to go, that is Kristi’s decision. The real knucklehead that needs to go is the goat killer in the corner office. When are the Dems going to figure it out? Go for the jugular. If this would have happened in a Blue or Purple state, she would already be gone.

I guess the best part is her political career is over. Everyone knows Trump needs a loyalist and a Southerner as his VP running mate. Why on earth would he pick someone from the reddest state in the Midwest? What would be the benefit?

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