Let’s have fun. Pretend this is a cartoon and have each person narrating. Copy and paste into the comments;


Ginger’s friend:

Scooter man:

Pointy lady:

Bike girl:

You can change up the order however, but let’s have some fun.

Here are my suggestions;

Ginger: The clocktower is so dazzling today!

Ginger’s friend: Absolutely dazzling!

Scooter man: I must photog this dazzling display.

Pointy lady: Look! He is taking a pic of the dazzling display while navigating his scooter in moving traffic! Not only dazzling, but magnificent!

Bike girl: (Keep riding. Make no eye contact.)

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “So many things I could say . . .”
  1. Ginger: “When’s Dr. Brown going to show up and attach some wiring to the clock tower?…. Hahahahaha!!”

    Ginger’s friend: “Oh, don’t you love that movie, but why did he have his name on his underwear?”

    Scooter man: ” I hope I have enough battery power to make it to Scarlett’s, but then again, what about my camera?”

    Pointy Lady: “Is that a cicada?”

    Bike girl: “I’m forced to pedal the dangerous streets now that the bike trail system has become innodated with e-bikes.”

  2. Ginger: “My great-grandfather helped build the Cathedral”.

    Ginger’s friend: “Oh Ginger, you are so amazing”….

    Scooter man: “Taupeville or Bust!”

    Pointy Lady: “I can see the Bunker Ramp mural from here”…

    Bike girl: “How come I never pass an e-bike?”….

  3. Ginger: “I’m he/him”

    Ginger’s friend: “Good, because I’m she/her”….

    Scooter man: “When’s the bikini contest going to start at the Levitt?…. ( I hope that Sturgis contestant shows up again)”

    Pointy Lady: “That’s why they shouldn’t allow dogs at the Levitt”…

    Bike girl: “E-bike my ass”….

  4. Ginger: “My therapist says the reason I live in a taupe house is due to an inferiority complex I developed as a child, when I failed to ever acquire a Killibrew base card for my collection, while all of my friends did. My Therapist says I suffer from a need to be accepted and to belong, and not to be an individual with my own identity and gameplan”….

    Ginger’s friend”. “But Ginger, I like you and I think your 12 year old black SUV still looks fine”…

    Scooter man: “It’s been 14 years and Thune and Rounds still haven’t come up with a Purple Heart for me”….

    Pointy Lady: “Look kids, it’s another black person in Sioux Falls!”…

    Bike girl: “Who needs a man, when I’ve got this between my legs?”….

  5. New blog post idea, tree ordinance news story. Parks department and their leadership needs to be replaced

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