Let’s have fun. Pretend this is a cartoon and have each person narrating. Copy and paste into the comments;
Ginger’s friend:
Scooter man:
Pointy lady:
Bike girl:
You can change up the order however, but let’s have some fun.
Here are my suggestions;
Ginger: The clocktower is so dazzling today!
Ginger’s friend: Absolutely dazzling!
Scooter man: I must photog this dazzling display.
Pointy lady: Look! He is taking a pic of the dazzling display while navigating his scooter in moving traffic! Not only dazzling, but magnificent!
Bike girl: (Keep riding. Make no eye contact.)
Ginger: “When’s Dr. Brown going to show up and attach some wiring to the clock tower?…. Hahahahaha!!”
Ginger’s friend: “Oh, don’t you love that movie, but why did he have his name on his underwear?”
Scooter man: ” I hope I have enough battery power to make it to Scarlett’s, but then again, what about my camera?”
Pointy Lady: “Is that a cicada?”
Bike girl: “I’m forced to pedal the dangerous streets now that the bike trail system has become innodated with e-bikes.”
Ginger: “My great-grandfather helped build the Cathedral”.
Ginger’s friend: “Oh Ginger, you are so amazing”….
Scooter man: “Taupeville or Bust!”
Pointy Lady: “I can see the Bunker Ramp mural from here”…
Bike girl: “How come I never pass an e-bike?”….
Ginger: “I’m he/him”
Ginger’s friend: “Good, because I’m she/her”….
Scooter man: “When’s the bikini contest going to start at the Levitt?…. ( I hope that Sturgis contestant shows up again)”
Pointy Lady: “That’s why they shouldn’t allow dogs at the Levitt”…
Bike girl: “E-bike my ass”….
Ginger: “My therapist says the reason I live in a taupe house is due to an inferiority complex I developed as a child, when I failed to ever acquire a Killibrew base card for my collection, while all of my friends did. My Therapist says I suffer from a need to be accepted and to belong, and not to be an individual with my own identity and gameplan”….
Ginger’s friend”. “But Ginger, I like you and I think your 12 year old black SUV still looks fine”…
Scooter man: “It’s been 14 years and Thune and Rounds still haven’t come up with a Purple Heart for me”….
Pointy Lady: “Look kids, it’s another black person in Sioux Falls!”…
Bike girl: “Who needs a man, when I’ve got this between my legs?”….
Are you a cartoonist and if so where is thoust cartoon illustrations?
How many shroomz have you had this morning?
New blog post idea, tree ordinance news story. Parks department and their leadership needs to be replaced
TRUMP GUILTY. All 34 counts. Huether next?