By l3wis

9 thoughts on “South Dakota Department of Propaganda offers some toons”
  1. “They blinked, but still won; when they switched from a sleeveless down vest to a thick unbuttoned shirt over a t-shirt with a beard”…. #SneakyBastards #BetterThanKrypton #RussianOligarchs #LocalSovietHousingProgram

  2. “It’s good we were able to maintain the 8 to 0 equilibrium with city council votes”… “Else, 7 to 1 could have led to an imbalance, where the gyroscope of our political inertia could have become unsettled leading to an opening for Superman, Batman, or Super Dave (Not that David 😉 )…. ” ……

  3. So I told a friend of Richard’s that was helping him with his campaign that he needed to ‘dress down’ a little bit more in his campaign materials, and this person said I wasn’t the only person to suggest that. I have a feeling his wardrobe adjustment had to do with a lot of peeps telling him to look more ‘Jordan’ but it’s hard to grow 16 inches of hair in 2 weeks.

  4. Maybe Jesus touched his face. #ItsAMiracle!

    Ted Cruz 2016:

    The Ted Cruz of our times:

    ( and Woodstock adds: “It’s all beginning to make sense, first the local Soviet housing program, and now our local political leaders are going for the Castro look”….. )

  5. Am I the only one that wants to die when I hear Matt talk and hear his voice?

  6. Alan, we had lunch once, and Matt is a fantastic listener, and very smart, probably why he is so rich and successful, he sucks the soul out or other people 🙂 My step grandpa, who I really considered my real grandpa, was a great listener and didn’t talk much, but he was a very successful farmer in Bon Homme County and really researched and used his smarts and technology to be successful, his nephew took over all of his land before he died and we were very happy it kept in the family.

    He was one of the first farmers in the state to run his old Case tractor off of Propane because of the cost savings.

  7. “… ‘he sucks the soul out o(f) other people’…”….

    “This could explain the local zombies that David has always obsessed about”….

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