This was the mayor’s reaction after my general public input;

It was refreshing to comment on several agenda items tonight, you can fast forward thru, but at general public input (FF: 4:05) I told the council they need to do more defending their city clerk and the job he is doing, because he is being mislead by the city attorney’s office and the administration. I also brought up that the city council has a DUTY to reprimand their fellow colleagues, and they need to reprimand Marshall Selberg for living ILLEGALLY out of his district. While citizens are aligned and willing to put forth ethics complaints, it is really the duty of the council to reign in their fellow councilors. We will see. While COUNCILOR and CHICKENSH!T are spelled differently they are one in the same on this deal.

Also, a frequent public inputer handed me this when the Parks Department was talking about master plans. I asked them, “Is this the new city charter?”

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Super Scott Addressed the Sioux Falls City Council tonight”
  1. I am not confident the parks and recreation department could even Google or use AI to make an actual feasible master plan of any sort.

  2. Thanks to the Parks Department, you can ride a “motorcycle/e-bike” on our bike trail system, but not a Moped….. But what’s the fxcking difference?

  3. Not sure if you caught it, but the reason I said ‘Super Scott’ was because the mayor said that to me sarcastically on a previous agenda item after I walked off. It often cracks me up that the chair of the meetings is so passive aggressive he waits for constituents to walk away before he cocks off (and he does it to every single inputer he disagrees with). Next time he does it to me, I will walk back to the podium and say, “No, Paul, you are soooper.” I hope my misspelling of super comes thru on my oral presentation, I want to make sure they know it is the blogger who has bad vocab.

  4. “Man, I would love to have a ‘Super Scott’ bobblehead”… “I’d put it next to my ‘Deep Throat’ bobblehead, which a part of my Watergate bobblehead collection”… #SuperDaveBobblehead?

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