So I got invited to a fireworks display at Homestead Brewery last night. Besides the beautiful sunset we also enjoyed the most delicious lamb chislic by Sheep Flockers steamed on a flat top with so much garlic your eyes watered.

No worries on the display, Cameraman Bruce captured it and I hope to have a video up in a few days! There was miniature mushroom clouds! No LIE!

I also heard this gentleman play at Book Coop Thursday(?) night? I can’t remember his name, but he is very young and has spiked blonde hair. Not sure the audio is working on the video. He has this incredible deep country voice and does mostly covers of old country roots tunes and current roots rockers. He uses his I-PAD to assist with lyrics and notes so he has a massive song list. If anyone can send me a link to use website, that would be super.

One Thought on “Talk About Random, Part II

  1. Very Stable Genius on May 20, 2024 at 8:45 am said:

    “There was miniature mushroom clouds! No LIE!”

    They were coming from Pierre. Kim Jong-un gave Noem a North Korean fireworks kit.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, did you see where Pierre got its own battleship?…. Well, sort of”…… 🙂 )

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