UPDATE II: I am adding this EO, because it goes with the line of power.
UPDATE: Mike Zitterich sent me this, thanks Mike!
Under Article 2, Section 2.03, you find the answer you are looking for:
The selection of interim successors in the executive order shall be at the mayor’s discretion from among department heads or city employees; however, the number and order of proposed interim successor designees shall not be effective without the advice and consent of the city council.
This is the line of people who would assume mayoral authority in case of an emergency. I think during the Huether Administration the Public Works director was number one. I also find it ironic that the person that is 2nd in line is the COS who has actually been running the city and signing multiple docs for the mayor. The Council Chair should really be 2nd in line (not sure if charter language would have to change to make that possible?)