In Politics: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) held their state convention last week, selecting a PUC candidate, a National Committeeman and Committeewoman, delegates to the National Convention in Chicago in August, and writing a platform that supposedly will lay the foundation to attract voters to the Democratic Party. I hope they produced a useful document for, as they argued and voted on the platform plank after plank, the Republican statewide plurality in voter registration increased by another 100 voters, bring the overall increase in the voter registration deficit of Democrats compared to Republicans to 11,460 voters since the current leadership recalled Jennifer Slaight Hansen last August. I wonder if SDDP’s leadership ever questions their direction. Perhaps they will find some secret sauce in Chicago in August to turn their ship around. We will just have to wait and see.

One Thought on “DRINKING LIBERALLY UPDATE (6/21/2024)

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on June 21, 2024 at 10:48 pm said:

    I once knew someone who got some “secret sauce” from a convention in Chicago…. and let’s just say it took a lot of penicillin.

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