Of course, the director for Siouxland Libraries lives in Minnesota and would be ineligible, and she makes about $5K more a year then the mayor, but her latest performance on Inside Town Hall was fantastic. She talked about strategic planning and it’s importance. I thought to myself, maybe Jodi needs to be the COS or heck even a city manager (once we get rid of the home rule charter). It was refreshing to hear a city director who not only works their butt off but knows what the heck they are talking about!


I pointed out last week that the additional subsidy of $200K to the Veterans Tiny Home community seemed shady, well I wasn’t the only one that thought that. After Councilor Soehl made a stink about the legal agreements and gifting during the 1st reading the council was advised at 2nd reading to defer until September so the agreements can be updated.

Yeah right.

This happened so quickly in the meeting I can guarantee this will get killed before September.

One Thought on “Jodi Fick for Mayor!

  1. Valmpet on June 21, 2024 at 11:02 am said:

    Jodi Fick absolutely should be mayor, city manager, or city council member. She is organized, kind, visionary and proactive. Not many city directors are like her. She doesn’t get as much recognition because she is a quiet leader. Absolutely agree on this one

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