I was at Falls Park a little bit ago and it smelled of sewage and fertilizer. So besides the great stench of the packing plant and the endless train whistles you now have one of the most polluted water ways in South Dakota (and 13th in the nation) running past your residence. Can’t beat luxury downtown living! I’ll stick with my 1888, 900 sq ft home 🙂 at least we don’t have tampons running down the street . . . yet.

Folks this is what happens when you have people in government who are climate change deniers that have not set any strategic plans going forward for our infrastructure. There has been at least 4 major water main breaks downtown in the past month (maybe more) alone. Stop spending money on ego projects!

3 Thoughts on “Just another amenity of downtown Sioux Falls condo living!

  1. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on June 21, 2024 at 10:43 pm said:

    Trump recently warned us about electric boats, storms, flooding, and sharks, but what about e-bikes, the bike trail, and flooding?…:


  2. D@ily Spin on June 23, 2024 at 3:34 pm said:

    Why would anyone want to live downtown? If so, would you want them as neighbors? Condos twice the price in an old building with inferior utilities and a fire hazard. No grocery store or gas station. Overpriced restaurants for snobs. Pool hall night clubs. Worst of all, inferior access to other parts of the city and major pot holes. The river is not a river, it’s a bypass canal. Retail is fru fru shops for doctor wives and write-off hobbies for the wealthy. You can’t buy underwear downtown. Certainly not diapers or formula. It’s a Republican Gaza that should be bombed by Israel.
    Talke a look at the Utopia happening north near Baltic. Finally, a place for sane middle class. It’s outside city limits where there’s no corruption from public taxes misappropriation. It’s not dictator mayor and there’s DEMOCRACY.

  3. D@ily Spin on June 23, 2024 at 3:47 pm said:

    Dell Rapids was once the Capitol of the territory. It’s where railroads meet and could become the center for future high speed passenger trains that replace airlines. There’s open land without weird Sioux Falls preferred developer restrictions. If you enjoy turds floating by in the river bypass, goose smear, meat smelting smell, and frozen homeless neighbors; you belong downtown.

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