June 2024

Is it laziness, incompetence or something else?

We were told when the bike ordinance passed I believe in March(?) that the city needed time to 1) educate the public on rec trail usage AND 2) put up signage, specifically speed signage.

They have done little of both.

The city has it’s own sign department in public works, at least they did a few years back. So making the required signage would only take a few days and installation maybe a couple of weeks.

Now I am NOT asking for a MPH sign every 10 feet, but at mile markers would be nice, which would come to about 30-40 speed signs on the rec trail.

I would also like to see info graphics at the trailheads.

Besides the fact that city employee responses have been anything but stellar on various other things, I think the missing MPH signs has more to do with POLITICAL motivation. I think some peeps in the acoustic bike community maybe didn’t show up to the lead up meetings because they have a backdoor to city hall, or at least some on the parks board and parks department management and I think they strongly encouraged them to NOT have MPH signage (because the Lance Armstrong wannabes of the world in their colorful costumes exceed 15 MPH most of the time).

After June 1st when the new ordinance went into effect (the only change was permitting E-2’s) I have seen every electric device imaginable on the trail. I think if the acoustic bike community doesn’t want to have the MPH signs (not sure if they are behind it, but I am speculating) then we should just allow everything on the trail. Why not make it a free for all? If the ‘A’ riders don’t want to follow the same rules as the ‘E’ riders why should we follow those rules?

All you are doing is setting a bad precedent for less experienced riders who are trying out an E-Bike for the first time. You are basically saying you can go as fast as you want, so why can’t we?

Stop pouting and enjoy the ride, safely, and take off the frickin’ clown suit, you look ridiculous.

Cars, Floods and Falls Park

This was Cherry Rock park Saturday morning. You should see it today. All the sand from the Volleyball courts are by the bathrooms. Oh my.

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that there was lines and lines of cars going into Falls Park this past weekend?

You do realize the reason we are experiencing these torrential rains is because of GLOBAL WARMING and our use of FOSSIL FUELS. So I find it ironic that you drove your planet killing vehicle to observe the damage you have done 🙂 Now I ain’t full on hippy, I still drive my car. But wouldn’t a smart person maybe park their car a few blocks away, heck even a mile away, and enjoy a stroll down to Falls Park? Not sure if you looked around, but Sioux Falls ain’t getting any skinnier.

I’ve told people that we have already passed the time of no return.


In Politics: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) held their state convention last week, selecting a PUC candidate, a National Committeeman and Committeewoman, delegates to the National Convention in Chicago in August, and writing a platform that supposedly will lay the foundation to attract voters to the Democratic Party. I hope they produced a useful document for, as they argued and voted on the platform plank after plank, the Republican statewide plurality in voter registration increased by another 100 voters, bring the overall increase in the voter registration deficit of Democrats compared to Republicans to 11,460 voters since the current leadership recalled Jennifer Slaight Hansen last August. I wonder if SDDP’s leadership ever questions their direction. Perhaps they will find some secret sauce in Chicago in August to turn their ship around. We will just have to wait and see.

Just another amenity of downtown Sioux Falls condo living!

I was at Falls Park a little bit ago and it smelled of sewage and fertilizer. So besides the great stench of the packing plant and the endless train whistles you now have one of the most polluted water ways in South Dakota (and 13th in the nation) running past your residence. Can’t beat luxury downtown living! I’ll stick with my 1888, 900 sq ft home 🙂 at least we don’t have tampons running down the street . . . yet.

Folks this is what happens when you have people in government who are climate change deniers that have not set any strategic plans going forward for our infrastructure. There has been at least 4 major water main breaks downtown in the past month (maybe more) alone. Stop spending money on ego projects!