South DaCola


UPDATE: I just got a tip this morning that the project for the RR Redevelopment will be requesting a TIF. With inflation and property taxes going thru the roof this is a horrible time to be handing out TIFS. 80% of property taxes in SF are paid by residential property owners. Why are we subsidizing parking ramps for NOT workforce or even low income housing!?

Maybe we could afford a food tax cut, if we would just stop giving these Developer Welfare Queen Grifters massive tax breaks! Want to jump start the economy in SF, lower property taxes and stop giving OUT GODDAMN TIFS! THEY DO NOT WORK!

Still waiting for that independent comprehensive study on TIFs in Sioux Falls and the State. Oh that’s right, we can’t do a study showing how awful they are, then we would have to stop handing them out to our friends.


At the informational meeting (Wednesday) the city council will get an update on our public transit system and an update on the supposed development directly east of the 8th & RR Building. It seems they will contract with a developer from Des Moines (you can see they do the boring crap SF likes). I do know that some local developers proposed some housing in the area and their RFP was declined and it wasn’t Lloyd 🙂

At the regular meeting, also on Wednesday, they will be voting on sending the tiny house community more money (Item #46, 1st reading);

This ordinance will provide an additional $200,000 of funding for the ongoing construction of the Veterans Community Project tiny home village. The funding will come from the restricted cash balance, in the General Fund, set aside by Ordinance 52-23 – Liquor License Proceeds.

I supported this project initially, but over the past couple of years I have gotten suspicious of this private non-profit. I have asked several friends who work with or at the VA and DAV if they work with this group and they said NO. I have also asked people who work at affordable housing solutions if they work with the group and they said NO. So why are we giving them money? And why don’t they work with veterans and housing partners? Seems odd to me you call yourself a Veteran’s Community but you don’t work with some of the largest Veteran organizations in our country.

I also see we are taking the money out of the Liquor License Fund. I thought that money was going to be used for youth prevention? Maybe we should use the money to give every adult a beer at the July 4th hot dog festival. Makes about as much sense.

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