6 Thoughts on “North Dakota Ken Doll

  1. Very Stable Genius on July 11, 2024 at 4:02 pm said:

    I still want Trump to pick Noem. It would be as entertaining as Hell…. #PalinOnSteroids ….. But something tells me he’s going to pick Doug. We’ve never had a vice-President Doug before. The Don & Doug Show Live from Mandan! But regardless of who Trump picks, he’s still going to lose to Biden…. Oh, and Clooney and the other Democratic elites need to shut up! I’m not usually a corporatist, but on this one I am. These elites need to shut up. They are ruining the brand. The way to win this presidential election is by keeping the brand name and recognizing that enthusiasm is on the Democrats’ side this time. That debate really didn’t move the polls much. The results of the special congressional race in Ohio recently prove this enthusiasm along with the recent results in the UK and the second round of French voting. The biggest mistake we could make right now is replacing LBJ with Humphrey. LBJ would have won in ’68. Trump is a Nixon, but let’s not make him a Nixon with the convenience of a Humphrey. Don’t get me wrong, Humphrey was a good guy and South Dakota-born. I and my Mother met him when I was 3 (There’s a picture of the three of us together somewhere in this world… The campaign took our address but never sent it), but often the second-string quarterback can’t win the Super Bowl.

  2. Fear & Loathing in Paulsen Falls on July 11, 2024 at 4:09 pm said:

    Seriously though, if Trump can shoot someone on 5th Avenue without any repercussions, then why can’t Noem shoot Cricket and the goat?

  3. "Woodstock" on July 11, 2024 at 4:11 pm said:

    “‘Cricket and the goat’?”…. “Say, didn’t they used to be a Buddy tribute band out of the UK back in the early 60s?”……

  4. trumpy on July 12, 2024 at 9:34 am said:

    We South Dakotans can remember the disaster following McGovern replacing his VP for having shock treatments. It just showed how inexperienced and inept his plans were to win in the fall. If Biden were to step aside, there is no possible way to build a competitive race where trumpy doesn’t win.

  5. scott on July 12, 2024 at 10:27 am said:

    noem killed buddy holly.

  6. trumpy know his history! The elite of the Democratic Party need to shut up!

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