South DaCola

UPDATE: The Dakota Scout has massive conflict of interest in ownership group

Seems someone is a little butt hurt about the suit, even though the Argus isn’t suing them;

Not to mention three owners are NOT local. Funny how the council and school board said they needed to use a local publisher, yet HALF of the owners don’t even live here, one is from out of state!

Funny how they needed to contract with a LOCAL publication but about a third of city employees and directors don’t live in Sioux Falls or even the state. They consistently use professional services from out of state (even though well qualified professionals exist in Sioux Falls). Heck, we are even teaming up with an Iowa developer, and giving him a TIF to boot! So you local yocal crap doesn’t fly with me.

But the big story here is that Matt Paulson is one of the investors. (not sure why is name is spelled wrong in the Smello story?)

Whether he contributed $10 or $100,000, doesn’t matter. His campaign funding of almost every single councilor sitting on that dais has just created a massive conflict of interest. In respects, there is not much we could do to Paulson to remedy this but we could file an ethics complaint against EVERY SINGLE CITY COUNCILOR that voted for this contract, you all received money and assistance from this guy, and now you are rewarding him with a contract, and don’t even f’ing get me started on controlling the media and burying stories!

But what is even more funny is that Joe flat out lied to me about the ownership group in a text exchange (I will share it eventually). He said only him and Jon own the scab rag.

So you didn’t file your paperwork on time, you received a contract before state law was in effect, you have an investor who basically bought city government and now the media, and you think you are qualified to be our legal paper!?

These folks are clowns!

I urged councilor Thomason on May 30 he MUST request the investor data before voting for this. Five minutes after I hang up I start getting nasty texts from Joe, littered with lies.

They should change the name to The Duped Scab.

This city council better grow up! And FAST!

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