South DaCola

The Pavilion Subsidies need to end

I guess it is the misfortune of success. The Pavilion brings in a lot of money, as you can see;

They also have millions in reserves. So why are we still subsidizing them?

Just look at the executive salaries, the Director, Smith was making $164K just 5 years ago. So apparently while he was laying people off during Covid he continued his raises. Not bad for running a couple small theaters and an out dated science center.

We also throw millions each year in maintenance of the building (taxpayers own it) from the entertainment tax. While actual building repairs like a roof, windows, foundation, etc., should be covered by the owners any equipment purchases such as lighting or sound or anything that is NOT a permanent part of the building should be the Pavilion’s expense, and the council needs to change their maintenance contract with the Pavilion when they revoke the subsidy to reflect it.

The Pavilion has proven that they can float the boat on their own, so why don’t we let them?

I also heard a rumor that the Pavilion is planning a big concert at the end of summer at Great Bear. Not sure who will all play, but they have a $2 million dollar budget supposedly.

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