So I was thinking, maybe the solution to our goose problem is shipping them off to Springfield, Ohio? Just keep the residents away from our dog parks. Those folks would have a feeding frenzy. Oh, Donny, the stories you weave.
While a certain dynamic duo in town seems to have the governor on the run with her credit card statements I got a chuckle out of what this news organization(?) had to say about why they are doing it;
That’s rich considering these two hid investor information from the public when applying to be the legal newspaper of Sioux Falls, oh, and got the unethical council and SOS’s office in on your scam. Government SECRECY!? You make me laugh. Also, how do you combat ignorance? Ignorance is the lack of knowledge on any particular topic. So is this paper going to make the public more aware of the corruption in Pierre with their 4,000 subscriptions? I’m dying! Hopefully you will figure out what hair and nail salons Noem has been visiting these days. The public is DYING to know, just don’t give them the info in a gravel pit.
Well it was like Christmas for certain ad agencies in town last Tuesday at the City Council meeting;
Councilor Ryan Spellerberg brought two separate amendments Tuesday night – both of which passed unanimously and with minimal council discussion. One allocated $150,000 for a marketing campaign to encourage the public to donate to charities rather than to panhandlers.
Yes Kids, instead of actually taking REAL capital and spending it on bus tickets to help get these folks home or a street outreach program that picks these folks up at night we are giving the money to well connected ad agencies to tell us to NOT give to these folks. Talk about government ignorance!
With the recent closure of the Sioux City warming shelter we are in deep doo doo this winter. Instead of finding ways to ignore these folks, maybe come up with a plan for this winter, like NOW! I hate to say it, but I have a feeling we are going to be reading about a lot of homeless tragedies this winter.
I heard next week the council is going to fund a marketing campaign called, “Nothing to see here, move along.” it will be for discouraging folks to come to public input and public meetings.
Not sure this ties in, but I don’t care. The city wants to see the entire Delbridge Collection sold as a group. Like I said, could care less about a bunch of dusty monkeys in Lenin’s Tomb, but there is some historic and scientific value to the collection and we should save it. I think we are missing a massive opportunity here to build a very unique exhibit, but instead we have to make sure the Mayor and his friends make money building a convention center we don’t need. SHINY BALL, MUST TOUCH!
did matty p also fund the lawsuit?
Why does it seem that every state has a Springfield? Well, except for Hawaii. Lincoln was from a Springfield, and Homer, too. Basketball was founded in a Springfield and ‘Father Knows Best’ took place in a Springfield. We even have a Springfield. It once had a college until Janklow turned it into a prison. Springfield sounds so peaceful, so how could pets be in danger there, and who would want a prison there? “They’re killing the pets”, he said, but has Trump ever had a pet other than a Penthouse Pet? Springfield, it’s the name of a fictional town for an unimaginable author. It speaks of an Americana that was best illustrated by a once ’76 Trombones’. Springfield, it’s like a town that has become a victim of ‘Under the Dome’, where the town’s minds have been limited much as the minds of Trump supporters have increasingly become limited as they ignore the insanity of Trumps many expressions, and where his supporters become obedient pets whose fate is not in their hands as long as the small-handed Orange Menace is allowed to jerk their chain or leash and lead them to a final quarry just outside of town, but yet within the realm of a controlling and ending dome. #RIPCricket
“But don’t forget the goat!”
The goose is cooked on the collection. The mayors of Sioux Falls have continued to over spend on their vanity projects as if the money would never stop. Now we are at the point of losing the Delbridge Collection because of their vanity and the collective vanity of their financial supporters. The average person of Sioux Falls bought the rights to the collection through the public vote and years of love and support for it.
The inept Parks department, under its inept director, have decided to dispose of it so we lose another piece of what once made this a halfway decent town for everyday people. I believe it was wrong to kill the animals in the first place for the vanity but it in now compounded by treating the replaceable with the temporary.
Dogs and cats are meat pie that’ll help get Harris elected.
Doesn’t matter how Scout tabloid came about. It’s needed free public press.
Most established charities are 3/4 overhead who never reach as intended. It’s a million dollar CEO with elegant offices and lots of vacation conventions. Those who help indigent are private entities working without government collaboration.
City government is not democracy. Attacks on public comment are a mayors bag of tricks to impose socialism.
Very Stable Genius……….
If it’s good enough for the goose, then it must be good enough for the gander. But if it is good enough for the gander, is it good enough for the goose? If you get a goose at a Christmas office party should you tell someone or just trade it for a turkey? The Christmas goose, where did that tradition begin? Were they just trying to be politically correct given all of the attention given to turkeys at Thanksgiving time? The President is known to pardon two turkeys each year, but the Prez never pardons a goose or geese. Why is that? Is it because no goose can be pardoned? AND, if they are geese, then why not meese, well, except for Ed Meese?…. AND, he thought a search didn’t need a warrant. So, just imagine a search without a goose, would it still be Christmas, or just something that’s really not warranted?
It sounds like Bobby Jr., has been having a whale of a time, once again. The bear cub was one thing, but a whale, too?…. But then again, maybe he could help us with the Delbridge Collection….