September 2024

Lunch with Sioux Falls Police Chief Jon Thum

I actually didn’t have lunch with the chief, but he was addressing the Breakfast Club today at NOON at the City’s admin building where I was the only citizen in attendance at the beginning (it’s mostly elected officials from the region that show up to these monthly get togethers). I go for the free lunch 🙂

Thum said that officers with more experience dealing with people and managing situations are better officers then those with degrees in criminal justice. While I believe him, I asked him this question, “I want officers to have at least a 2 year degree in criminal justice because I want officers to know the LAW when they are responding to a situation. Thum did confess he would like officers with experience in both areas, but prefers officers with people skills over law knowledge. His excuse was different laws in different jurisdictions. Well guess what? Officers should know the laws they are enforcing. I think the Chief should be focusing on hiring people with both skill sets and not just settling for mediocre. I got the feeling from his response that Thum is trying to fill a quota, and he doesn’t seem to care how he fills that quota, bodies on the street scenario.

The above picture is an officer hiding behind a utility box on private property of a local manufacturer I took a few days ago. Wondering if this is one of his ‘people person’ officers? I don’t have a problem with officers taking breaks, but they should be in a public parking lot or at the precinct.

I also presented this question to Thum, “I want to address shutting off the scanners. I researched the Federal regulations and it is well within your right to turn the scanners completely off (Thum nods) but the suggestion from the Feds is to only turn them off for sensitive situations like wellness checks, overdoses, domestic, etc. So I want to set up a scenario for you. We had a train derailment downtown a few years ago. Luckily it was just corn and it didn’t knock over the viaduct, but these same trains carry tons of chemicals thru downtown every day. What if it derails again and there is a massive chemical spill and you have to evacuate thousands of people from downtown. How will you get that info to the public in a timely manner if the scanners are shutoff?”

He did say the Fire Department has a notification system (not sure what that is) and that they TEXT people. I can tell you that downtown is full of older homes with poorer elderly people living in them, they likely don’t have cell phones. I wasn’t really satisfied with his answer. I often tell folks, once we have open government a lot of these issues disappear in the night, but I don’t think Thum gets it.

An Exercise in Futility

This is what I call statewide elections in this state.

We go to the polls, elect a bunch of right winger block heads that create laws that no one really wants, never provide tax relief and take more rights and liberties* from us. Oh, but we correct all this by voting for referendums and initiatives that are progressive YET install conservative lawmakers. It is baffling.

*There is a progressive movement (not sure if Harris is on board) to rid ALL states of right to work laws thru Federal regulation.

Just look at the ballot measures. Not sure of the polling, but I am sure the new abortion law will pass, the open primaries will pass (the only vocal opposition is the party bosses, call a whaaaabulance), food tax cut will pass, Medicaid work requirement will fail and likely the referred law will get voted down.

So how is it that we continue to elect weirdos who pass very bad laws while keeping taxes high and throw cold water on them with the referendums?

It is an exercise in futility.

I hope with the passage of Open Primaries we can root some of these clowns out of the legislature.


We all know taking political advice from this guy is just a pass thru from his investor;

I know some people have this attitude that early voting is bad. I have never understood it. I have early voted probably over the past 15 years with a few exceptions. I will do the same today. My reason? If I have an emergency on election day, I already voted. I also have no idea where my musical precincts are each election. I have had my mind made up for months, so why not vote? The best part is NO LINES! I usually am in and out in 5 minutes or less.

When people tell you to not early vote, first ask them their benign reasoning then tell them to GFT!

City hires outside counsel to tell them what they already knew

We have a childcare crisis in our community. Why? Because the jobs don’t pay diddly and employers are not stepping up.

While Woods Fuller made many recommendations, HERE and HERE, there really is one reason why we have this crisis; LOW WAGES in Sioux Falls and employers not supplementing child care.

There are programs and grants out there, but the state isn’t allowing some of them.

It’s time to ban pets from the Levitt

It is only a matter of time before family and kids witness a small dog being mauled by a bigger dog at the popular concert venue. I see dogs lunge at people and other dogs at every event. As I have mentioned before, bringing your pet to these events causes anxiety in them which causes them to lash out. I saw a pit bull chomp about 4 inches from a smaller dog’s head, if the dog would have been closer it would have bit the head right off, and this was in front of the stage. Can you imagine if the dog was successful? How do you explain that to the guests and kids, “Yeah, we have to cancel tonight’s show to clean up the blood from the dance floor.”

This isn’t about pet owners, it is about the safety of your pets. Trust me, it’s only a matter of time.

Update: Is the city planning on borrowing for NEEDED infrastructure?

Update: I guess I am not the only one that sees the scam taking place;

Sioux Falls, like most cities in the United States, is running a growth Ponzi scheme. A classic Ponzi scheme involves someone who promises investors a high return on their investment. But, if the investment is not generating revenue, they turn to signing up new investors and using that money to pay the original investors. This may work for awhile but eventually the scheme collapses and investors lose their money.

First off, you DO NOT want to go down that path as a city, once you get behind the 8-Ball there ain’t no coming back. Many cities across the country who have done this have bankrupt themselves.

On Tuesday at the informational meeting the finance director (even though lately he seems to be working for the Riverline investors and NO on Grocery Tax campaign) said the city achieved a new bond rating. After I talked to a few folks I found out they have been pursuing this rating for years so they can BORROW and BOND for NEEDED infrastructure, like ROADS.

Why would the city want to do that? Because it frees up the 2nd penny for bond payments on play palaces. Take the proposed Convention Center. The bond payments on that project will be $40 Million+ a year for 30 years. Thru August of this year the 2nd penny has only collected $60 million. Let’s say we hit $100 million for the year. That would leave us very little for road repairs. Not to mention all the other debt service.

There is another option, a 3rd penny, which is a hard sell.

You never ever want to borrow for road projects while spending money on crap we don’t need. If this Convention Center passes it will bankrupt this city without another special tax to cover it.


There are options. Citizens or the City Council can refer an ordinance to voters in the next election that would require any bonds over a certain amount (let’s say $30 million for reference) would go to a LEGAL STATE BOND election which requires a 60%+1 passage and not this silly fake advisory vote that the councilors keep parroting. The citizens NEVER approved the Denty, the city council did.

This could work and I think citizens would have 6 months to collect the sigs. Let’s put a stop to this stupidity while we still can.