This isn’t a coincidence, it all started after the new head city clerk started, and it is getting worse. Agendas mysteriously getting posted for meetings that don’t exist, meetings moved or canceled due to improper postings, etc. Well this week they decided not only to start the meeting an hour early they are putting the executive session first.

Now, there have been meetings when the ES is at the beginning of the meeting, but it is ONLY when it is basically the only item on the agenda. So what will happen now is if you showed up at 3 PM to watch the meeting, you will be immediately kicked out of chambers for the ES which could last 5 minutes, or 50 minutes, you have no idea, so the public must sit there waiting for you to finish so the public meeting can began. Uncalled for. Public business first, then you can fart around with your secret deals.

I also don’t understand the urgency. I am assuming the council will be interviewing or actually hiring a replacement for Bixler who is retiring at the end of October. Don’t know who Bixler is? No surprise, he didn’t do much to be noticeable. He was the council’s legislative advisor and budget dude. How did that work out for yah?

Public meetings are for the PUBLIC and should be as accessible as possible. These clowns and their closed government sh!tshow is getting old. This is NOT the council’s meeting, it’s the public’s. Not sure if they will ever figure it out.

By l3wis

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