So I have rode my bike past this place hundreds of times and it always makes me laugh that an engineering firm didn’t know how to put stones in the ground level and upright. Maybe it’s an artistic touch but me is guessing they just dropped them in the dirt without a concrete anchor. If they were a dentist office or brake shop, wouldn’t think much of it, but you are an engineering firm, this doesn’t bode a lot of confidence in your skills. Don’t let councilor Lucy Bayse know about it, she will write some silly ordinance.

We already have a Berlin Wall (The Bunk(h)er Ramp), and now a Stonehenge? What’s next, a Great Wall to keep transients away from the new Riverline District? #TajMahalFunPalace
( and Woodstock adds: “Say, don’t forget about the once Leaning Tower of Zip Feeds”….
“Maybe I should get my Matchboxes and Hot Wheels out and play Manhattan”….