Augustana has wiped the event from their yearly schedule, but I did ascertain this promotional piece;

What I am hearing is that she abruptly cancelled the meeting and the reasons given are varied rumors, so I won’t list them, but FIRST I am curious if the event WAS cancelled and if so, WHY and by WHO?
These clowns were hosting the event, so it was a good possibility they may have canceled it due to student protests. But Johnson is known for her thin skin and paranoia around ‘liberals trying to get her.’ I’m guessing someone from the student body council told them to go to Heck (though if I was a student I totally would have allowed it and showed up to watch the comedy show and challenge the fools during Q & A. The best way to solve our political discourse in this country is to talk to each other, share our views and correct and critique each other. Things won’t improve if we stay in our own bullpens. That is my biggest complaint about young libs, they constantly preach to the choir. Expand your horizons. I worked on several political campaigns and majority of them were Republicans because I believed in their policy ideas. I heard a quote from Tim Johnson today (RIP) “Neither party has an advantage on good ideas or bad ideas.”)
So, was she canceled, or was it canceled?….. That is the question.
On another note, I think that a black Nazi from North Carolina should be allowed to speak in South Dakota if invited. Now, I wouldn’t attend that gathering, but you might find me amongst the protest outside that venue protesting the black Nazi’s agenda…. Although, it would be fascinating to hear how a black man finds comfort as a Nazi and supporting a fascist national ticket, which really doesn’t have any time for black Americans.
( and Woodstock adds: “Black Nazi”….. “Isn’t that what we used to call a Panther?”….. ( ….. “What?”…. “The GOP has Panthers in its party?”…. “WOW!”…. ( …. “Well, then maybe the GOP is inclusive after all”…..
…… )))