To give you, our faithful readers, a leg up in this week’s contest, here is a peek at one of tonight’s questions:  “Fact or Crap”? Since August 1st, reversing a long-term trend, the South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP)  has added almost 1500 Democrats to the State’s voter roll………Fact!!! It may be a baby step, but at least it’s movement in the right direction in the absolute sense.  Congratulations to Dan Ahlers, the SDDP’s Executive Director, and the SDDP’s leadership.  But, before euphoria sets in, you might want to compare the Democratic increase in registrants to the over 6000 registrants the Republican Party added to the State’s voter roll over the same period of time. 

I have been encouraged by some Democrats to be more positive, so on the positive side, voters may be choosing the Republican party 4 to 1 over the Democratic party when they register to vote but at least Democrats are gaining not losing voters anymore.

In Politics: Nationally: The race for President is too close to give anyone comfort. The very thought that Donald Trump might win makes me ill. 

I have turned to tequila for its beneficial characteristics. 

In Politics: South Dakota: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) finally issued an October press release. It properly honored Senator Tim Johnson, who passed on October 9th, for his service to South Dakota and our Country. Senator Johnson truly was a steady ship on the rough political seas of our times. Selfless, honest  and hardworking seem universal accolades in everyone’s tributes to him. His leadership will be missed. It seems we have lost too many leaders in the last year or so, Jim Abourzek, Harvey Wollman, Jack Billion, Jim Burg, and now Tim Johnson.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Drinking Liberally Update (Oct 18, 2024)”
  1. #GretchWhitmerIn’28 #IfOurDemocracyLasts #HopefullyClimateChangeWillNeutralizeTheOrangeMenace

  2. Trump is the political version of the movie ‘Groundhog Day’. #WillWeEverLearn?

  3. Frankly, if senate races in states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and PA are starting to tighten up, where the Democrats are the incumbents, then we are in big fxcking trouble…. Just saying…. They should have never replaced Joe. It was the biggest fxcking mistake since Chamberlain’s appeasement. James Carville, many years ago coined the phrase: “It’s the economy, stupid”…. Well, today the phrase is: “It’s racism, stupid,” but what do the Democrats do, well, they run a person of color for president against fascist Trump…. Now, don’t call me a racist for mentioning this because I was a supporter of Jesse Jackson in ’88 and an early supporter of Obama in ’08, and I have people of color within my own family, but in politics, you need to know when to push and when to pull, and you need to recognize that while women may be against Trump to Harris’s advantage, that if you just poll white women, then Trump wins, and that’s because many of the core issues of this campaign like immigration and crime are really not about those issues themselves, but rather the core issue behind them, which is racism. The Harris campaign was doomed to fail from day one. Instead, Joe should have never debated. I never understood why he did it except that maybe the Democratic elite thought they would use it to get rid of him. I don’t know, but we should have continued with Biden the way Republicans stuck with and hid Abdnor against McGovern in ’80, Reagan against Mondale in ’84, and more recently, how Johnson refused to debate his opponent in the ’08 SD senate race (Abdnor, Reagan, and Johnson then all won)….. But instead, the Democratic elite, who really are out of touch with most average Americans and how they live (#Wine&CheeseLiberals), tried to pull a fast one and, in so doing, have brought the Orange Menace back to the forefront once again. #TheEliteMightBeDummerThanTheTrumpsters #Whitmer28! #GodSaveTheDemocracy!

  4. “Climate change and the return of Trump”….. “Now, that’s some serious reality TV”….. 🙁

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