I was told that the ‘lay off’ process started over a month ago with soft, random firings and forced resignations and demotions and will continue until 60% of their workforce is eliminated by the end of the year.

I do NOT know who this employer is, but have my guesses. If my assumption is correct, this employer is in the top 30 employers in Sioux Falls and they run a multi-state multi-faceted business that also employs many private contractors (so employees of these companies will also be affected).

While I just received this information this morning, when you talk to people who may be affected by this, they confirmed that they have been suspect for months because the company hasn’t really started any NEW projects and the main reason for the layoffs is because projects they handle in Sioux Falls have dried up. There are also rumors of financial problems (which makes sense) and legal issues with several court cases moving thru the courts.

Eventually they will have to admit to the failure, but like most institutions like this in Sioux Falls you won’t hear a peep about it in the media until the ship sunk.

BTW, this business is NOT a food truck 🙁

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Major Company in Sioux Falls laying off over half of workforce”
  1. I just walked into my LinkedIn account, and under notifications, it suggested that I should apply for the open warden position at the South Dakota Penitentiary…… What do you all think?….. LOLs!!! #WardenGordonBorden (Or, was he a game warden?)

  2. “If I was the new warden, I wouldn’t allow any tablets unless you had a headache.” ……..

  3. Oh, and on another note, that Dusty keeps on being Dusty, doesn’t he?

    I see now he’s worried about the Chinese, and he wants to let you know, via his campaign radio spots, that he’s working to stop China from its aggressive tactics like buying up South Dakota farmland, but if Dusty was really worried about China, then why isn’t he worried about the Chinese owning Smithfield, too? Or, why wasn’t Dusty worried about the Chinese when they were involved in the federal EB5 program with Republican governors like Rounds and Daugaard, with the latter one having Dusty as his Chief of Staff and as Chief of Staff Dusty immediately resigned as CoS as soon as the FBI started asking questions about the State’s economic development office and the Governor’s office relative to this issue. Or, how about when, for years, Dusty was an advocate of the Keystone Pipeline, as a member of the PUC, claiming it would bring jobs and energy independence to the United States, when really it would have brought only temporary jobs and had nothing to do with our nation’s energy independence, but rather it was nothing but a conduit to conveniently help ship toxic Canadian tar sands oil to the Gulf via the States and then on to Chinese ships, which would have only further bolstered Chinese presences in the Western Hemisphere and the then Chinese hegemony which would have followed suit as well in our region due to that pipeline and their ships.

    But then again, Dusty’s contradictions concerning China are pretty run of the mill for Dusty, because this is the same Dusty who voted with the Democrats to chide Trump for taking funds from the Pentagon without clear authorization from Congress to build Trump’s wall, but then after the RNC chided him in private for this vote he then immediately ran down to the border to do selfies to suggest he was still pro-wall, or Trump’s wall. Or, how about the time early in the current Congress, when the Republicans could not elect a Speaker because of their inherent dysfunctionality, which then Dusty blamed on the “Clowns” in his caucus, but then what does Dusty, do? Well, he then nominated Jim Jordan, one of the biggest “Clowns” in the House to be the next speaker, and if you don’t know that Jordan is a “Clown”, then you, too, Dusty, are one of the “Clowns”, too….. But then again clowns are known to flip-flop with their big shoes.

    So my friends, don’t let Dusty keep doing this. You need to vote for the other Johnson for Congress, that’s, Sheryl Johnson. Earlier this year, Sheryl asked me to be the treasurer of her campaign. I only said “No” because I already had too much on my plate and I’m busy caring for my 97 year old Mother, and enjoying the three new grandchildren the Good Lord has given me and my wife in the last 3 years, but this reality does not take away my admiration for Sheryl and her candidacy. She’s a great person from a great family. I’ve known of or known her family for about 20 years. She has four beautiful daughters, one of the older ones used to be good friends at Augie with my late nephew, and her youngest one was good friends with my daughter at Roosevelt. She’s a true South Dakota Mom and her husband is a veteran and a doctor, and Sheryl is well-liked within the SDDP. In fact, if they made a sitcom about her life, it would be called: ‘Everyone Loves Sheryl’…. So, get out and vote for Sheryl, put her yard sign up in your lawn, and let’s together show Dusty that it’s time to put a mom in the House who will then have a “teenager” get out of the House and start doing something constructive and non-contradictory…. Johnson and Johnson, or better yet Johnson versus Johnson…. Because it’s time we helped one of the Johnsons get rid of the dust…. 🙂


  4. You are half right, they have been actively pushing ‘older’ employees out over the past year or so, it is really sad what they have been up to, the city has also been pushing older employees out, but this company reaches many, many subcontractors and if they cut the company in half, many small companies and their employees will suffer. I reached out to city hall about this and said it will be a huge hit on the SF economy in growth, it’s not good.

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