October 2024

Drinking Liberally (Oct 25, 2024)

In Politics: Nationally: According to most of the polls, the Presidential race is too close for comfort. According to the New York Times’ latest poll, the Presidential race has become a “dead heat” as Trump has pulled even with Kamala Harris despite the one Billion dollars Harris has spent so far on her campaign. As a Democrat it is very frustrating to see Trump gain momentum despite the scary and outlandish things he says and does. It was pointed out to me today that 40 of the 44 Cabinet members from his previous Administration have refused to endorse him, many publicly expressing their support for Kamala, while his former chief-of-staff , John Kelly, called Trump a Fascist. A strong word and a collective warning to all of us. Yet, Trump continues to gain support. Can anyone explain this to me!

Here is a link to a good and free WEB site to follow the Presidential race for those of you obsessed with its possible outcome.

As for myself, I have regressed to nail biting and drink.

 In Politics: South Dakota: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) chose to oppose Amendment H (open primaries), apparently lacking confidence in Democratic Party candidates’ ability to come in second in primary contests between two (or more) Republicans and one Democrat.

Voter registration statistics from the South Dakota Secretary of State reinforce the wisdom of the SDDP’s opposition to Amendment H. Although Democrats have reversed their steady decline in registered voters, adding almost 2000 new registrants since Kamala Harris became their Presidential Nominee, Republicans added over 6600 voters to their rolls at the same time. So, despite progress, the SDDP continues to fall further and further behind the GOP. The SDDP’s lack of confidence in its electoral ability and its own relevance appears well placed.

In percentage terms, 51% of voters have chosen the Republican Party and 23% see themselves as Democrats. Only a minority of South Dakotans are buying what the SDDP is selling and, under its current leadership, it appears to be condemned to wander in the political wilderness for another 40 years.

More ‘Phantom’ City Council meetings appearing on city website

I noticed this week the city council was holding a city council meeting the 5th Tuesday of the month which is odd. By charter they are only required to have 3 meetings a month but usually have 4, they skipped last week. I asked a city councilor why this ‘Phantom’ meeting has appeared without an agenda and they told me ‘We don’t have a meeting next week.’ So Mr. City Clerk, how do these things just appear out of nowhere?


Major Company in Sioux Falls laying off over half of workforce

I was told that the ‘lay off’ process started over a month ago with soft, random firings and forced resignations and demotions and will continue until 60% of their workforce is eliminated by the end of the year.

I do NOT know who this employer is, but have my guesses. If my assumption is correct, this employer is in the top 30 employers in Sioux Falls and they run a multi-state multi-faceted business that also employs many private contractors (so employees of these companies will also be affected).

While I just received this information this morning, when you talk to people who may be affected by this, they confirmed that they have been suspect for months because the company hasn’t really started any NEW projects and the main reason for the layoffs is because projects they handle in Sioux Falls have dried up. There are also rumors of financial problems (which makes sense) and legal issues with several court cases moving thru the courts.

Eventually they will have to admit to the failure, but like most institutions like this in Sioux Falls you won’t hear a peep about it in the media until the ship sunk.

BTW, this business is NOT a food truck 🙁

Sioux Falls City Councilor Curtis Soehl, DEFENDER of the GIGANTIC TRUCK!!!

While Councilor Soehl has done very little in his two terms, besides brow beating public inputers like a unruly child, he did surprise his fellow councilors today with his passionate defense of gigantic trucks that only belong in gravel pits with the governor’s dead dogs.

A new councilor, not Lucy the cement bucket lady, but Jennifer Sigette has proposed an ordinance that previous chickensh!t councils and parking department gurus wouldn’t pull the trigger on; if you have a gigantic truck, don’t park it on these four blocks on Phillips Avenue.

Pretty simple, but Curtis the Blurtist wasn’t having it!

“What if a bunch of my podunk relatives who only drive gigantic farm trucks from Woonsocket came downtown to shop at all the luxury boutiques, buy rare antiques at Zandbroz, have a steak meal at Crawfords or Minervas right before taking in the Symphony at the Pavilion after getting this ticket, they may never come back.”

First off, he didn’t say most of that, but he might as well had. He gave some bullsh!t anecdedote about some farmer visiting from a small town. Yeah, so many boot scraping visitors downtown these days I am surprised it doesn’t smell like cow manure . . . nope, just dead hogs. As someone who has lived and worked in DTSF for over 30 years, the only time you observe ‘Farm Folks’ downtown is when all six of them are trying to read a parking meter and after 10 minutes of frustration get back in their sheep hauler and drive away never to experience some overpriced app at Parker’s.

Besides the safety reasons for passing this ordinance, it is just plain RUDE. So you have a big truck. Good for you. I don’t need one, I drink a couple of Arnold Palmers each day, it seems to cure my fascination with large shiny things.