South DaCola

Tim Johnson vs. Pam Nelson

I have to admit, I have a lot of political ‘friends’ and Pammy is one of my faves. Never backs down, and holds her ground. So there has been this political discussion about what SD Dem has the most years of political experience, and guess what? It’s not Tim. Now, no disrespect, probably one of the best Senators our state has ever had besides Jim A. and McGovern. Pammy served since the 1970’s and has the longest political career of any SD Dem and probably beats out any Repugs. Pam is modest about it and doesn’t really include her time on the Sioux Falls School Board, but it was public service and should count. Now I am a little off on my timeline, but I believe Pam served the public for 38 years. Pretty Crazy.

I want to take a personal side to this, Pam is extremely political but super funny. I have been in meetings with her where she takes the entire room to the woodshed, and when they try to cut her down she takes them back to the woodshed. I have to admit, when it comes to Pam, you want her on your side. And while we mourn the loss of Mr. Johnson and his incredible service to this country, Pammy is the salt of the earth.

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