So what is a PMB? It is short for Private Mailbox. Basically it allows people to vote in SD if they registered their address in the state. Some do it thru mail forwarding services, but some are just using business, campground or hotel addresses. They have been voting this way in SD for decades.

During the Minnehaha County Commission meeting today, where I thot Dean Karsky was going to cry, or throw something, several of the MAGAS showed up to also cry about this.

While I would agree with several commissioners that this is a state and federal issue when it comes to election laws I question the ‘issue’.

As an American citizen you have a right to vote, it is tied to your address and district. So why is voting for president in Arizona any different then South Dakota? (ok, I know, there are some differences, but play along).

I believe every American has that right, and where they choose to cast that ballot doesn’t mean a damn thing, as long as they only vote ONCE.

Now I get it, the state has been doing this for years due to the revenue from PMB’s. Also, what if you really do own a home or condo in Sioux Falls but have another home in Arizona four months out of the year. Where should they vote? Sioux Falls or Arizona? They have a constitutional right to the vote, are you denying them that right?!

While our system of PMB’s is unconventional, I don’t see a problem. I think a good change to state law is you can’t list a campground, business or hotel as permanent address you should be required to use a mail forwarding business or other permanent residency. Trying to tell someone who lives out of an RV eleven months out of the year they can’t vote in Federal elections goes against our values as a democracy. Whether you live here 12 months out of the year or in a van traveling the country side, you still have a right to vote. And with the internets being around for over 30 years anyone across the country or living in an RV can research the state ballot issues before voting or just skip voting for local issues and just cast a ballot for Federal candidates.

The irony of all this is that a lot of the RV voters are old white rich people that will likely vote for the same presidential candidate that these MAGA asshats will, so what gives?

I have said, if President Spaghettios loses, these folks will cry up until January then it will be over with. They don’t have the stamina or intelligence to keep pushing the issue, how do I know? I have been blogging about local government for about 20 years, and the one thing you see when certain groups show up to complain is they will move on to the next conspiracy theory that presents itself. Trump has created this rhetoric that certain people don’t have a right to vote. If you are legally in this country and NOT a convicted felon you can vote and don’t let these weirdos tell you any different. Let them take you to court and watch the judge throw out the case.

Changes do need to be made with PMB’s, but voting is only a small facet of those changes. Instead of yelling at Dean Karsky and Joe Kippley every month (though they deserve it for other reasons) why not work with the legislature to make significant changes? Instead of wasting your time on goofy websites you can also do a constitutional amendment or initiative to change the law. I think it would be pretty easy to get this on the ballot and would likely pass by over 60% of the vote.

By l3wis

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