Former City Councilor Big T wrote an excellent letter to the editor about how the citizens need to vote on the new parks’ expenditures.

I would agree, $77 million dollars in expenses needs to be decided by the voters and I am surprised that most of the council wouldn’t be pushing for a special election to approve these bonds. They will sit and cry and wring their hands about making these gigantic decisions when they can just easily call for an election and wipe their hands of it.

But the pool debate and some of the other debates the new council has been having has been soooo predictable. They pretend they are ‘concerned’ about the expenditures then vote for them anyway. They are NOT concerned and all these media games they have been playing (because someone may be running for mayor) is just smoke and mirrors. They have done this for decades before they have to do a big project. They promise all kinds of cost cutting and savings then once the project gets approved there are massive cost overruns and add ons. EVERY SINGLE TIME! Just look at the Ice Bunker Ribbon; Supposed to be a $4 million dollar project that turned into a $16 million dollar project (the donor must have needed a bigger tax write-off).

The council is going to make it ‘LOOK’ like they are on our side when it comes to financial concerns, but if they were TRULY listening, they would call a special election, but just like the predictability of their policy decisions, I will predict they will forgo the special election, and likely do an ILLEGAL advisory election with the Convention Center tying the two projects together to better SELL it to the public. I guarantee this is what they are cooking up. They did it with the Pavilion and Convention Center, it’s an old playbook.

Not only do we need to demand a special election for both projects we need it to be a LEGAL bond election where it only passes with 60% of the vote.

I would love to blog more about city politics, but the predictability lately has been a gigantic yawn. Oh, but I guess the mayoral candidates are all jockeying for positions, but I think the Skabs and their less then flattering boozer texts may be instigating all of this.

By l3wis

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