I guess now he is just going to tell FLAT OUT LIES;

The city’s parking ramp on Mall Avenue also remains a prospective redevelopment site.

“It’s not costing the taxpayers a dime to have it sit there, so we’re not in a huge rush to have something,” TenHaken said. “The time will come and the market will change, and it’s still a valuable piece of land. We still get interest and inquiries.”

Maybe it was Poops attempt at humor at the end of the year, but it’s not funny, and it is definitely NOT FREE. In fact a major chunk of the parking department’s revenue goes towards the bond payments, there is also maintenance and paying workers to maintain the facility. I figured a few years ago about 60-80% of the years total revenue in parking goes towards the bonds and maintenance on this ONE facility which takes away from other parking upgrades downtown.

It’s costing us . . . a lot.

Poops knows he f’d this up and he could have stopped it but he cowered to the bondsters and gave in (because he is an extremely poor leader). He could have gained support on the council to cancel the bond but he did what he normally does, ignore the gorilla in the room hoping they will go away. Many want to blame Huether, but old elbow assaulter didn’t sign off on the bonds, Poops did. This is all on him. I still laugh at the presser he gave with Lamont saying he was good for the investment because he gave the city a letter saying so (a last will and testament on a bar napkin would have more legal precedent). Poops does everything by the seat of his pants and wonders why they turn out the way they do, then lies about the result. Here’s the deal, PAUL, we are paying dearly for your F’up, DEARLY, but instead of taking the blame you just lie. When you call yourself a Christian, I just shake my head. I attended Catholic and Lutheran services growing up, and I never recall a minister or priest saying it was okay to lie as long as you are covering up a screwup. You are a fraud.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “I guess Mayor TenHaken is paying the bonds on the Downtown Sioux Falls Bunker Ramp”
  1. I always figured this Mayor would have pushed harder to get this developed just so that he could name it TenHaken Towers.

  2. Dylan went electric. Nixon went to China. Noem shot her dog.

    Happy New Year everyone!…: 19 days until fascism.

  3. yah Paulie, my house doesn’t cost me a dime either, so long as I disregard service to debt (principle and interest) … oh, and the rapidly escalating property taxes (mostly ‘cuz you are spending like a drunken sailor).

  4. Thanks to the constant rise in property taxes and homeowners insurance, I haven’t decided yet as to whether to get a green, brown, or blue tarp.

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