UPDATE II: Looks Like Lenin’s Tomb of Dusty Monkeys is going to the East, far, far, far away from here
Update II: I attended the meeting this morning and it appears they want to split the collection up to the folks out to the east but the local folks want the entire collection. There is ONLY one local contractor and they have yet to establish themselves as a real organization.

There was also some other things that occurred in the meeting. I was shocked when they discussed public input with myself and 5 journalists in the room with Kelo recording. They basically were trying to figure out when they were going to let the public speak. Under my breath I said, “That should of occurred 2 years ago” Quite a few people heard me. Even though they call it a work session, it is a public meeting and there should be public input. After the meeting I approached Jim David, Council Administrator, and said to him, “This was an open meetings violation” and he kind of agreed. (he did not organize the meeting, Parks Department did). They also have yet to apologize for flat out lying to the public about the arsenic. I also question if some of these Ivy League orgs would want the collection once they find out how it was acquired (several of the animals were killed in illegal poaching) It may go against their ethical standards, I may have to drop them a note about that Lastly, Jeff S. who is on the committee (developer of Cherapa) said we should put a plaque at the Zoo honoring the family who donated the animals. Maybe we could also put up Jeff’s bowling trophy collection to? What will the plaque commemorate? Stupid decisions by this committee, the Zoo, the Mayor and the council? They plan to have this ALL BAKED before the public can see it or comment on it.
First, I will say, that the city missed a huge opportunity here by NOT saving the Delbridge collection. I have even told people we should at least store them until we find a local or state taker. But history is NOT important here for people who don’t understand it.
Here are the orgs in the running;
- University of Notre Dame
- Peabody Museum of Natural History (Yale University)
- Institute for Natural History
- Grand Rapids Public Museum
- Coburn Grand Resort
- Oddities Museum
I was unable to find ANY info on the last two, but I think that ‘E’ is in Harrisburg but not sure what it is? As for A-C all great organizations, but unfortunately on the East Coast. It will be so sad when whoever gets this collection they will fully restore it in it’s original glory and the only way we will be able to see it is ONLINE or traveling there. If I was on the committee I would pick ‘C’ they seem to have what it takes to take care of this collection, it’s just too bad we don’t work out an agreement where we get like 4-5 of the animals back after restored.
I wonder if Poops will have a sendoff party for Lenin’s Tomb? We know he will be personally celebrating!