December 2024

UPDATE II: Looks Like Lenin’s Tomb of Dusty Monkeys is going to the East, far, far, far away from here

Update II: I attended the meeting this morning and it appears they want to split the collection up to the folks out to the east but the local folks want the entire collection. There is ONLY one local contractor and they have yet to establish themselves as a real organization.

There was also some other things that occurred in the meeting. I was shocked when they discussed public input with myself and 5 journalists in the room with Kelo recording. They basically were trying to figure out when they were going to let the public speak. Under my breath I said, “That should of occurred 2 years ago” Quite a few people heard me. Even though they call it a work session, it is a public meeting and there should be public input. After the meeting I approached Jim David, Council Administrator, and said to him, “This was an open meetings violation” and he kind of agreed. (he did not organize the meeting, Parks Department did). They also have yet to apologize for flat out lying to the public about the arsenic. I also question if some of these Ivy League orgs would want the collection once they find out how it was acquired (several of the animals were killed in illegal poaching) It may go against their ethical standards, I may have to drop them a note about that 🙂 Lastly, Jeff S. who is on the committee (developer of Cherapa) said we should put a plaque at the Zoo honoring the family who donated the animals. Maybe we could also put up Jeff’s bowling trophy collection to? What will the plaque commemorate? Stupid decisions by this committee, the Zoo, the Mayor and the council? They plan to have this ALL BAKED before the public can see it or comment on it.


First, I will say, that the city missed a huge opportunity here by NOT saving the Delbridge collection. I have even told people we should at least store them until we find a local or state taker. But history is NOT important here for people who don’t understand it.

Here are the orgs in the running;

  1. University of Notre Dame
  2. Peabody Museum of Natural History (Yale University)
  3. Institute for Natural History
  4. Grand Rapids Public Museum
  5. Coburn Grand Resort
  6. Oddities Museum

I was unable to find ANY info on the last two, but I think that ‘E’ is in Harrisburg but not sure what it is? As for A-C all great organizations, but unfortunately on the East Coast. It will be so sad when whoever gets this collection they will fully restore it in it’s original glory and the only way we will be able to see it is ONLINE or traveling there. If I was on the committee I would pick ‘C’ they seem to have what it takes to take care of this collection, it’s just too bad we don’t work out an agreement where we get like 4-5 of the animals back after restored.

I wonder if Poops will have a sendoff party for Lenin’s Tomb? We know he will be personally celebrating!

What’s going on at Dakotanews?

On Monday ‘KSFY’ posted this job ad;

I have been suspicious for awhile that the experiment they are running at DN will hit aground. Over the past couple of months I have noticed that their website is ‘glitchy’ and stories and vids don’t match up. I have also noticed half-ass production on the live broadcasts with mics cutting out, teleprompters not working (because the on-air talents have to wing it) and recently Brian Allen cancelled his ‘Matters of the State’ program with little explanation. Now they are looking for a News Director. I have asked some people who have ties to DN and they said ‘They may be downsizing thru attrition’. I didn’t think I would say this since I have gotten pretty beaten up by the media while they lift my story leads, but I am worried about our media being attacked as ‘fake news’ and now the future Orange Menace Whitehouse Occupant wants to start suing news organizations who said bad things about him (which are completely true). ABC caving to him was disgusting. I wonder if anyone at that organization has read about the lead up to power in the 1930’s in Germany. They are virtually using the same playbook and the news orgs are bailing. I was glad to hear that Gannet will fight the polling lawsuit, they should win, but our courts have become ‘Trump’ courts. I have always concluded the best way to fight this BS is to double down on the criticism and keep hammering until you can’t hammer anymore.

CORRECTION: Is the Riverline District just a gigantic scam?

CORRECTION: The city will GET the $8 million back IF the deal falls thru. BUT, this is interest FREE and NO taxes will be paid on the property for 3 years. I guess my question is ‘Why would we buy property for a project that hasn’t been approved by voters or the council?’ It’s insanity. Usually the city gets approval before they move ahead with an ‘agreement’ with current property owners. Or better yet, why doesn’t Lloyd just sit on the property for 3 years if we waive the property taxes? Or why doesn’t the Development Foundation buy the land? Taxpayers ARE NOT speculators. We give you the money to spend on infrastructure and services not to buy a plot of land that may never come to fruition.

The more I look at this ‘deal’ (Item 29) the more it looks like a money scam and NOT an actual Convention Center. If you read the purchase agreement, one thing is for sure; The city is buying the land for $8 MILLION and ‘gifting’ it to the Development Foundation. WHY? Well if you read carefully the purchase agreement you will SEE that the land reverts BACK to the original owners in 3 years if nothing is done, State Partners, LLC, which looks like they are brokering the deal thru Ernst Capital (which one of the partners is Chris Daugaard, yes the son of the former governor and partner Todd Ernst, son-in-law to Craig Lloyd.) It appears they are brokering the deal for Lloyd. Either way, if the Convention Center fails (which it will) the property reverts back to the original owners and they DO NOT have to give that $8 million back. In other words we are GIVING the Development Foundation AND State Partners, LLC. $8 million to play with over the next 3 years. Even if the CC was legit, there is NO WAY it will even pass, we will need a 3rd penny revenue source to pay for this, and I think most people are like, F’ that. If the Development Foundation really wants a new CC why don’t you borrow the money and pay for the land yourself and if the CC passes a vote, then we will buy it from you.

Why is the city in the land speculation business?

This is just a money scam to make a lot of people a lot of money and little else. I encourage folks to attend the council meeting tonight and call out this scam for what it is; A LAND GRAB!

UPDATE: What Quiet Zone?

UPDATE: I was at this same quiet zone yesterday around 11:30 AM and once again, the crossbars came down, the lights flashed and the train pulled up and blared it’s horn. Why did we build this if the RR isn’t going to bother using it? The recent passing of a transient trying to jump over a moving train is further proof that the trains DTSF need to go. I am hoping someone in Public Works has asked the RRs to use these quiet zones properly and STOP blaring the horn!

So they put a quiet zone RR crossing east of the new $20 Million dollar Non-Unity 6th Street bridge. How they are ‘supposed’ to work is the arms come down, there is a bunch of flashing lights, etc. It is called a quiet zone because ideally the trains won’t blow their whistles anymore going thru this intersection. I have suggested we have them all over DTSF.

So I was sitting at the crossing last week on my bike, and a train was approaching, the lights started flashing to stop and the cross arms came down. Then right before the intersection the engine stopped, which is normal protocol. The lights were flashing and the bars were down, and guess what Leroy the conductor did, blaired his horn.

So what was the purpose of this very expensive crossing? (I believe it cost like $1 million to build with money coming from the city, the DOT and the railroad). So what was the purpose if the trains are going to continue to blow their whistles?

The railroads have been doing what they want to for around 150 years. Did they really think they care if this is a quiet zone? Apparently not.

Why has the bicycle committee been skipping meetings?

So the Sioux Falls Bicycle Committee has been skipping meetings over the past couple of months and if you do a search on the city website it has been almost scrubbed from the site. The Active Transportation committee has taken recommendations from the group, but if those meetings don’t exist how do you take recommendations?

If you want to kill the committee, just do it. Bring a resolution forward at the city council meeting and dissolve it.

Please stop playing games.

If the new board has taken over these duties, just say it and move on.

I sometimes feel like when I ride bike in this town I am all alone, and that is not a bad thing since I enjoy my own company 🙂 but it is dangerous, and I really don’t think I have the city’s back on this, I am on my own.