H/T to Jordan Deffenbaugh for posting this on Turdbook;

While Sioux Falls as a city ranks a lot better, we do have work to do, trust me, someone who rides a ton in this town knows. What I found most astounding was the ZERO in Planning. I would think there would be at least ONE legislator pro bicycle. I guess I need to take Jamison out for a coffee 🙂 and a bike ride.
Speaking of Jordan, I see what his opponent has done so far and I am completely disappointed that the voters didn’t see what a great package we would have gotten with Jordan. Maybe Thomason will wake up after New Years, stranger things have happened, like watching Councilor Miranda ‘Lucy’ Bayse vote for a property tax increase next year. This is going to be fun.
When clean-cut Thomason began to dress like Marty McFly, but with a Middle Eastern beard, then I knew we were in trouble.
( and Woodstock adds: “What?”…. “Are you talking about Marty or those terrorists who persuaded him through that mall parking lot with ‘JCPenney’ in lights in the background?”….. 🙂 )
“I’m so excited about this Sunday evening with Dua Lipa on CBS”…. “AND, I’m so glad it doesn’t conflict with the following Sunday’s luminaries just east of Park Ridge on the 22nd as well”….. 🙂 #RudolphTheRedNoseReindeer
“Check this out, too!”….. 😉 ,,,,,:
South Dakota being ranked 45th place is much better than I expected. I expected 50th since we seem to always compete to be at the bottom.
What a shock.
We barely beat Mississippi.
After all of the Political B. S. , and posturing by
FAB and whining their way to hijacking the Public Taxpayer Funded Recreation and Multi-Use Trail for peddlers only, it’s no wonder.
Maybe if ALL taxpayers were allowed
to use this resource, we would rate closer to Minnesota instead of Mississippi.
What’s our ranking with horse friendliness?….:
“Okay, so am I the only one who is worried about these drones, UAPs, UFOs, or whatever over Jersey or what?”…. “What are we going to do about this?”….. “Personally, I think this might be the beginning of the end…. No, I’m serious because I’m beginning to think that Biden was the eye of the storm, and now with the return of Trump, we are re-entering the hurricane with this crap and other chaos to ensue just as Trump left four years ago with the chaos of COVID and January 6th in particular”…. “Not to mention that Trump has appointed an FBI director, who doesn’t blink and runs around with a loose tie, and the madness of a potbelly fast food manager at noon, isn’t disconcerting enough”….. #DefinitelyTheSituation #JerseyShore
The usual but something better than dead last. Bikes get you between Lottery Casinos and to/from food lines. They must not be regulated.
Are there odds on whether Trump will seek Russian asylum like Assad?
Syria fell quicker than ZZZZ Best Carpet Cleaning. Drones are hovering around Trump’s Jersey golf course.
Christmas is only 11 days away. 35 days until we swear in chaos. The man with the bleach bottle is back. This time, many may drink it. Drones are the new norm. Although, they still are not delivering us our pizzas. Speaking of pizzas, with the return of the Orange Menace, does that mean that Mexican Pizzas from Taco Bell will be deported once again? Biden, for a time, brought them back. #ThanksALotBiden AND, thank God we have climate change to save us by destroying us and putting us out of our misery, especially if the pizzas are never going to be delivered quicker via drones, that is… 🙂