Restaurant to be named after polluted waterway
I get it, the project is called the ‘Sioux Steel District’ so you want to name certain things in the complex that way;
The Sioux Falls concepts will be new ones for the company, beginning with Big Sioux Burger
They also have a place called ‘Brioux Falls’ but it is not a tap room it is a coffee house. Weird.
But I am not sure I would name my burger joint after one of the most polluted waterways in the state.
On top of that, just because it is the Sioux Steel District doesn’t mean you have to name everything ‘Sioux’. That, and anytime you are using a culturally sensitive term, you need to fully vet it.
So besides the big ugly rectangular buildings ruining the view at Falls Park we also have a half-ass focus group naming everything.
I heard their is going to be a speak easy in the basement called ‘Custer’s Last Stand’ š
If you build it, they will come
When you build our streets like race tracks, things like this happen;
After a lengthy investigation, warrants were issued for nine men participating in organized street racing that was taking place in northeastern Sioux Falls.
As I said to a person today, have you ever ate just half of a king size candy bar?
While these people are obvious crooks for racing and gambling, why encourage this activity by building roads that look and feel like race tracks. While I ride in the street a lot with my bike, once I get out of Central SF, I ride residential or sidewalks, because the roads are to dangerous because of high speeds.
So how much will the investigation and prosecution cost us because we build oversized roads?
So now that we have several interstates running thru the city as arterial roads maybe it is time we looked at how our roads are designed instead of farting around with expensive investigations and prosecutions.
Legislative Update
With so few days left in the legislature, it will go fast. Our input is valuable, so letās do what we can.
Some of these updates call for action. Watch for the words āSupportā and āOppose.ā
— Sad news. SB95 failed.(allow one car for debtors)
— Sad news. HB1238 failed.(reduced-price lunch for more low-income kids)
— Sad news. HB1223 failed. (cooperate with the Child Support to get childcare asst)
— Sad news. HB1249 failed .Task force on the welfare of Indian children.
— Good news. HB1232. passed. Indian Child Welfare Advisory Council. (10-2) It should be on the House floor on Tuesday. Urge all repās to Support.
— Good news. HB1184, Summer EBT was sent by House Ed to Joint Appropriations with a Do Pass recommendation (9-4 vote). Yay! Itās vote there will be Friday 2/23. Urge Support of these senators Jim.Bolin@sdlegislature.gov ; Bryan.Breitling@sdlegislature.gov ; RedDawn.Foster@sdlegislature.gov; Jean.Hunhoff@sdlegislature.gov ;Jack.Kolbeck@sdlegislature.gov; Ryan.Maher@sdlegislature.gov ; John.Wiik@sdlegislature.gov ; Dean.Wink@sdlegislature.gov; Larry.Zikmund@sdlegislature.gov;
and these repās: Chris.Karr@sdlegislature.gov; Mike.Derby@sdlegislature.gov; Linda.Duba@sdlegislature.gov; Chris.Kassin@sdlegislature.gov; Lance.Koth@sdlegislature.gov; Dennis.Krull@sdlegislature.gov; John.Mills@sdlegislature.gov; Ernie.Otten@sdlegislature.gov; Tony.Venhuizen@sdlegislature.gov
— Good news. HB1098 and HB1311, free birth certificates and nondriver IDs for people experiencing homelessness. House Approp. Committee supported these (7-0) and deferred them, I assume until they put the whole budget together. The fiscal impact is miniscule for these, and they are foundational for moving into the workforce and stable housing. Itās interesting that the birth certificate fee is waived already if you are enrolling your child in Head Start or Am.Legion baseball.
— SB89 and SB90 are still waiting for their hearing in House Commerce. These are the ones with the 15-day eviction and loss of pre-court notice that an eviction is coming. (recipe for more homelessness) They make evictions quicker and easier for landlords, making it harder for tenants to re-locate, to fight wrongful evictions, and to hold unscrupulous landlords accountable. Urge these repās to OPPOSE. Amber.Arlint@sdlegislature.gov; Jessica.Bahmuller@sdlegislature.gov; Byron.Callies@sdlegislature.gov, Joe.Donnell@sdlegislature.gov; , Steve.Duffy@sdlegislature.gov; Ben.Krohmer@sdlegislature.gov; Tina.Mulally@sdlegislature.gov; , Kameron.Nelson@sdlegislature.gov; Carl.Perry@sdlegislature.gov; Neal.Pinnow@sdlegislature.gov; Lynn.Schneider@sdlegislature.gov; William.Shorma@sdlegislature.gov;, Mike.Weisgram@sdlegislature.gov;
— SB119, tribal ID for voter registration, passed the Senate. Itās up Wed.2/21 in House State Affairs. Urge Support of these repās Hugh.Bartels@sdlegislature.gov; Rocky.Blare@sdlegislature.gov; Gary.Cammack@sdlegislature.gov; Kirk.Chaffee@sdlegislature.gov; Roger.Chase@sdlegislature.gov; Becky.Drury@sdlegislature.gov; Jon.Hansen@sdlegislature.gov; Erin.Healy@sdlegislature.gov; Oren.Lesmeister@sdlegislature.gov; Will.Mortenson@sdlegislature.gov ; Taylor.Rehfeldt@sdlegislature.gov; Rebecca.Reimer@sdlegislature.gov; James.Wangsness@sdlegislature.gov ;
— SJR501 could be up as soon as Friday 2/23 in House State Affairs. Same repās as for SB119. Urge them to OPPOSE this. There are new handouts emphasizing that taking away Medicaid is an extreme punishment for not getting enough work hours or failing to turn in the report. Please download them and share them with folks you see this weekend and next week. (I keep some handy in my pocket for easy sharing.) Thereās a one-pager and a mini-flier here: https://www.breadsd.org/medicaid-expansion-for-sd
— Now comes HB1244 to interfere with our citizen rights to initiative and referendum. Sadly it passed committee and will be on the House floor on Tuesday! Urge all repās to OPPOSE it. It lets petition signatures be withdrawn from petitions. Thereās no requirement for a notarized signature on the request to do this. Thereās no requirement that the signature on the request be matched with the one on the petition. The bill has no punishment for anyone falsely trying to withdraw signatures. It opens the door for all sorts of shenanigans. Petition organizers would never be able to know if they had enough signatures. How we do it now: Citizens can read the AG explanation before they sign and should take the responsibility for their signatures. All the repās: Amber.arlint@sdlegislature.gov , Julie.auch@sdlegislature.gov, Aaron.aylward@sdlegislature.gov, Jessica.bahmuller@sdlegislature.gov, kirk.chaffee@sdlegislature.gov, roger.chase@sdlegislature.gov, Kristin.conzet@sdlegislature.gov, Roger.degroot@sdlegislature.gov, Mike.derby@sdlegislature.gov, fred.deutsch@sdlegislature.gov, joe.donnell@sdlegislature.gov, becky.drury@sdlegislature.gov, linda.duba@sdlegislature.gov, steve.duffy@sdlegislature.gov, eric.emery@sdlegislature.gov, mary.fitzgerald@sdlegislature.gov, randy.gross@sdlegislature.gov, jon.hansen@sdlegislature.gov, erin.healy@sdlegislature.gov, Greg.jamison@sdlegislature.gov, Kevin.jensen@sdlegislature.gov, Phil.jensen@sdlegislature.gov, chris.karr@sdlegislature.gov, Chris.kassin@sdlegislature.gov, lance.koth@sdlegislature.gov, Ben.krohmer@sdlegislature.gov, dennis.krull@sdlegislature.gov, trish.ladner@sdlegislature.gov, karla.lems@sdlegislature.gov, oren.lesmeister@sdlegislature.gov, curt.massie@sdlegislature.gov, liz.may@sdlegislature.gov, john.mills@sdlegislature.gov, scott.moore@sdlegislature.gov, will.mortenson@sdlegislature.gov, tina.mulally@sdlegislature.gov, brian.mulder@sdlegislature.gov, Kameron.nelson@sdlegislature.gov, scott.odenbach@sdlegislature.gov, ernie.otten@sdlegislature.gov, marty.overweg@sdlegislature.gov, carl.perry@sdlegislature.gov, drew.peterson@sdlegislature.gov, sue.peterson@sdlegislature.gov, neal.pinnow@sdlegislature.gov, peri.pourier@sdlegislature.gov, tony.randolph@sdlegislature.gov, taylor.rehfeldt@sdlegislature.gov, Rebecca.reimer@sdlegislature.gov, Tim.reisch@sdlegislature.gov, Stephanie.sauder@sdlegislature.gov, Brandei.schaefbauer@sdlegislature.gov, lynn.schneider@sdlegislature.gov, William.shorma@sdlegislature.gov,
Obviously, itās an important week(Tue-Fri). No meeting today and Monday. Thanks for being a voice for people who need our voices.
Cathy B. for the Advocacy Project
āNever give up, for that is just the place and time the tide will turn.ā
-Harriet Beecher Stowe