Okay, Kids, gather round, our first ABC (Art Book Club) meeting is on Sunday January 26 @ 2 PM @ The Book Coop. The first meeting will just be free flowing and figuring out this stuff. But the first meeting requirements will be simple, 1) Bring your favorite art book and be ready to discuss why this is your favorite book 2) bring money to buy beer and other assorted spirits. Mr. Lidster is kind enough to let us use his amazing space, be gratuitous! 

I want to warn peeps, I am not a ‘clubby’ person, so don’t think you have to show up to every meeting and be all serious with dues and laminated badges. This will basically be a group of like minded artsy folks talking about what we love. Show up whenever. I will warn you though, when discussing art we must discuss the artist (I am infatuated with artist’s personalities, BTW, they are ALL crazy) and all the politics, religion, drugs and sex that goes along with it. I guess this isn’t a kid’s art club, but feel free to bring them, they may learn all they need to know about life in one meeting, or be completely confused.

See you soon, no RSVP required

By l3wis

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